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This member gave a presentation on February 11, 2025
At the following event:
36th Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium
News published on October 4, 2024
The 36th edition of the APSS will be held at The University of Sydney – Abercrombie Business School, from 10-12 February 2025. These will be some of the major themes: Layer Nutrition and Egg Quality, Broiler Nutrition, Managing Antibiotic-free Production, Sustainable use of Protein Ingredients and Avian Influenza.        11 invited speakers are confirmed: - Vitor Ar ...
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Article published the March 14, 2024
All grains, vegetable-based protein meals and their by-products used in poultry diets contain some levels of phytate phosphorous (PP). Depending on the ingredient type and source, a typical broiler chicken diet would contain between 2.2 to over 3.5 g/kg dietary PP. Research has shown that phytate anti-nutritional effects can reduce the digestibility of amino acids (AA) and minerals. Previously the ...
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Article published the January 17, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONIn Australia, the cost of tallow and vegetable oil has more than doubled over the past two years (, prompting broiler nutritionists to re-evaluate dietary energy content for meat-type chickens. Globally, a wide range of lipids with diverse chemical composition, are routinely included in poultry feed including soapstocks or acid oil, crude vegetable oil, hydrogenated m ...
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Article published the January 12, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONMannan is a plant based-NSP derived from polymerisation of mannose sugars, it is categorised as galactomannan or glucomannan based on the presence of galactose and glucose side chains (Aspinall, 1973). Generally, galactomannan is the dominant form in legumes (Sundu et al., 2012). The ratio between mannose to galactose dictates the water solubility of galactomannan where galactose ha ...
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Article published the January 12, 2024
I. INTRODUCTIONThe term ‘amino acid imbalances’ was probably originated by Elvehjem and Krehl (1955) and the topic was addressed by Harper and Rogers (1965). Their conclusion was that imbalances retard growth by altering the normal pathways of amino acid metabolism. Thus, while the relevance of amino acid imbalances to efficient chicken-meat production is recognised, a precise definiti ...
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Article published the December 20, 2023
I. IntroductionGrains are the major energy sources in broiler diets. However, they also supply about 40% of the total dietary protein and contribute significantly to the provision of some indispensable amino acids (IAA; Szczurek et al., 2020). Despite the low protein content in maize, owing to its higher inclusion levels (50-70%) it may contribute approximately up to one third of the protein requi ...
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Article published the September 11, 2023
I. IntroductionWheat and sorghum are the two major feed grains used in Australia for broiler diets; however, wheat is more common and is usually considered better quality than sorghum. The local chicken meat industry may have to increase by 60% to meet demand in 2050 so strategies are needed to promote sustainable chicken-meat production to meet this anticipated demand. Crude protein reductions in ...
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Article published the August 24, 2023
1. IntroductionAs feed grade amino acids are commercialized at prices that are economically feasible for including in industry poultry diets, nutritionists are able to better supply diets containing amino acid profiles more closely representing ideal amino acid profiles (Baker, 1997). Refinement of dietary amino acid profiles allows for reductions in crude protein (CP), inclusion levels of protein ...
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Article published the August 23, 2023
1. IntroductionThe global demand for chicken-meat is increasing. Globally, poultry meat is expected to represent 41% of all the protein from meat sources in 2030 and exceed the 34% share for pig meat, 20% for beef and 5% for sheep meat [1]. In Australia, the 46.9 kg per capita chicken-meat consumption in 2021/22 is clearly superior to pork (27.7 kg), beef (19.1 kg) and lamb (5.5 kg) with a 47.3% m ...
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Location:Girraween, New South Wales, Australia
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