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Ralph Ginsberg
Livestock Practical Engineer
1. Worker training:- Hygienic milking routine, Milking parlor performance evaluation and maintenance 2. Troubleshooting, advice relating to hygienic milk production, mastitis and cell count control.
Livestock Practical Engineer
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Adult lactating cows receive more attention when it comes to the negative effects of heat stress, as compared to heifers. This is because lactating cows need to dissipate more heat, running out of milk production and feed consumption and digestion to support it. The losses, caused by exposing adult cows to heat stress conditions include drop in milk production and composition, fertility, health an ...
Article published the April 20, 2021
Over the past two decades research in milking management has focused on decreasing the time that units are attached to cows by researching optimal teat stimulation and prep-lag time, pulsation ratios and liner compression and raising automatic take-off settings. Optimal teat stimulation and prep lag time Prep Lag time is the time from the start of teat stimulation, to milking unit attachment. N ...
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IntroductionThe compost bedded pack barn is a housing system for lactating dairy cows. It consists of a large, open resting area, usually bedded with sawdust or dry, fine wood shavings and manure composted into place and mechanically stirred on a regular basis. The most critical success factor for managing a compost bedded pack barn is providing a comfortable, dry resting surface for lactating cow ...
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IntroductionIn India, current milk production is 163.7 million tones (DADF Annual Report, 2016-2017) Health and welfare of dairy animals is vital to ensure their longevity and long term productivity, to intensify the production, animal production systems are becoming highly mechanized.In recent years, efforts have been undertaken to improve welfare and overall-health of dairy cows by providing a h ...
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Lorenzo Quesnel Yes. For sure. When the elevated SCC is due to a systemic disease such as those you mentioned, you see an elevation in all 4 quarters. If you use a CMT test, in most cases these quarters will not be higher than a CMT score of 1.
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Mohamed Fawzy Elsawy I strongly disagree. Anyone that has done a necropsy on a chronically infected quarter with Staph aureus knows that the milk may look completely normal but the mammary tissue is full of scar tissue and abscesses. Also, Pseudomonas, Prototheca, Serratia, and many other organisms cause chronically infected quarters that have normal appearing milk.
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Yes, this is very crucial to diagnose subclinical mastitis and its causative organism, preventing the infection to get in through teat canal, teat plugging may helpful, but descending infection which comes through body is a major challenge, which can only prevent by hygienic environment, good quality bedding, high level of nutrition especially in dry phase, which is always compromised in small dai ...
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As mastitis can be of multi-focal origin, addressing route cause can differ among herds. In my opinion, multi-station studies are required to prove the efficacy of any product. Moreover, DIM (Days In Milk) can hugely influence SCC, selection of animals at their late, early or end-of-mid lactation phase can show slightly high somatic cell count (which is absolutely normal) and can be confused with ...
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In a lecture I gave at the 29th Israel Dairy Conference, held in Jerusalem in November 2017, I presented the principles of my work in consulting dairy farms around the world on coping with negative effect of summer heat stress, and the achievements we reached in different countries due to the correct implementation of cow cooling methods. At the beginning of my lecture, I presented the basic condi ...
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Clement,In Thailand condition I do recommend the direct cooling which combines wetting and forced ventilation. Anyhow, there is need to know specific farm conditions to give the exact recommendation about the time of cooling needed.
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Location:Tzorah, HaDarom (Southern) , Israel
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Livestock Practical Engineer