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The more divalent cations in the diet the less soluble phytate becomes. This is especially true when drinking water pH is high and when phytate concentration is also high. In diets with high concentrations of e.g. Ca (from limestone, drinking water Ca, inorganic P sources, vegetable sources, V&M premix etc), high phytate concentration and more alkaline drinking water then the need for superdosin ...
Participation in Forum on May 16, 2018
Does the amount of calcium source (MCP, mcdp etc) have any effect of the strength of the phytase?Keeping in mind that some, if not most phytases work optimally at low pH.
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John Brake, Distinguished Professor at North Carolina State University, explained the different benefits of potassium and phosphorus in meat quality, feed conversion and health, during IPPE 2017 in Atlanta, USA.
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December 1, 2015
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