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Anjum saeed
Anjum saeed likes the comment:
There is term called "Tunnel Effect" .This effect is caused by increasing the speed of wind passing through the poultry shed. This can only be achieved by blocking all the opening on the sides of the shed and the only air passage is the cooling pads. When humidity is high the only solution is by increasing air speed through the shed. If you want any help do call me on my cell.
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SOHAIL BASHARAT hello Sir, there are more sophisticated ways, with low areation and at least 8-10 degrees lower Temp. your comment is correct though. regards marcel
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Syed Mahmood Akhter If you are putting air inside the house which have 35c temperature along with 70-80 humidity and passing this air through a cooling media it means you are adding more water in it .... so you have to know pad efficiency ? what is your running pad efficiency ? what is air velocity from outside ? than after this how you will calculate add up RH inside the building any calculation ...
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Thanks Dr. Mehmood and Stanley You both are correct. Air velocity is very important. At present the air speed is 3 m/s and main problem is in high humidity. When weather is hot and humid we put on cooling pads on timer because if you stop totally then inside shed temperature will rise continuously and you may have mortality. Even with putting pads on timer birds are not comfortable. The humidity ...
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October 29, 2015
Location:Karachi, Sindh, Pakistán
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
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