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ferante righi
Participation in Forum on March 15, 2020
Thanks about your advice.Best regards
Participation in Forum on March 14, 2020
In automatic milking sistem (AMS) when will be better to delivery the second PMR if the first feeding is delivy at six am?Thanks
Participation in Forum on September 26, 2019
Nice idea, increase protein bypass to reduce ammonia rumen production.
Participation in Forum on April 23, 2019
Nice topic and excellent explanation
Participation in Forum on February 7, 2019
Is a nice idea for small farmer and better they help to milk producer
ferante righi likes this technical article:
When a cow becomes pregnant, some of the nutrients it consumes will be used by the developing calf. There is no other time in the calf’s life when the development of tissues, organs and systems is occurring as rapidly as early weeks in utero. While the volume of nutrients needed as building blocks for this process is very small, in the first few weeks after conception access to the specific ...
Participation in Forum on September 4, 2018
The grass is a nice feed but more than SARA, sometimes the problem is rumen bloat and the increase of blood urea.
Participation in Forum on August 8, 2018
Nice topic and interesting research. I ask what is the Ostertagia Ostertagi situation.
This member had joined Engormix
August 2, 2015
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Location:Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Profile: Professional