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K.L. Dahiya
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IntroductionIn India, current milk production is 163.7 million tones (DADF Annual Report, 2016-2017) Health and welfare of dairy animals is vital to ensure their longevity and long term productivity, to intensify the production, animal production systems are becoming highly mechanized.In recent years, efforts have been undertaken to improve welfare and overall-health of dairy cows by providing a h ...
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INTRODUCTION In tropical and sub-tropical pasture-based dairy systems, a combination of high air temperatures and high humidity from late spring to early autumn leads to heat stress in lactating cows. Livestock in warm climates have to depend largely upon forage to fulfill their mineral requirements. Forages rarely satisfy all of the needed mineral requirements of grazing livestock. It has been r ...
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Introduction Milk is one of the most important foods of human beings and is recognized globally as a complete diet due to presence of essential components required for human health. India has a good number of dairy animal populations which plays an important role in economy of the country. India continues to be the largest producer of milk in the world (19% of the world’s total milk product ...
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Garlic and onions are known to have great benefits for health and have antimicrobial effect as well, but in milk-producing animals or egg-laying birds what about milk tainting?
Participation in Forum on September 19, 2019
Viswanatha Reddy Sir, I am using the garlic cloves (10 gms o.i.d for 10 days) and other kitchen ingredients, in recurrent mastitis with good results.
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June 27, 2015
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Location:Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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