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IntroductionPoultry is affected by the various diseases, especially flocks that have low immunity resulting in the significant economic losses due to high feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality [1]. They are also susceptible to secondary infections due to responses to irregular vaccination and immune suppression [2]. Escherichia coli are found to be one of the most important causes of economic ...
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2018
Dear All, I personally agree and thankful for the presentation. Thanks a lot.
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Dear all, Thank you for all your contributions. Just like Dr. Ibe said, here in Nigeria, it has been found that the brown and black birds are more susceptible when compared with white birds. During the hot months, around which the shed temperatures usually exceed 30 degree Celsius, the mortality starts going up. In most of the farms I consult for, many of which are using fans and water foggers, s ...
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Beside all above remedies, practically tested method of reducing body temperature of birds is to give shower with water spray pressure pump. This is similar assistance that bird is seeking to release its body temp, one can observed close to water reservoirs when wild birds taking bath by dipping their head and throwing water on their body hence cooling down body temp.In my observation broiler bree ...
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Dear colleagues Many thanks for the comments. We have to change the photoperiodic regimn during heat stress. By putting lights off during peak heat stress(10am-4pm), the birds will not consume feed and then their heat production decline dramatically.
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Acetyl salicylic acid also reduces internal body temperature and reduce mortality during heat stress.
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if practicing heat acclimation during brooding and pullet period may helping birds encounter the heat stress and to plan to raise bird in the hot period such as low birds density, low market weight, less activity in the house and maintenance the ventilation system
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heat stress is a common issue with the tropical climates the following are the effective ways - use of electrolytes particularly the vit C along with soda bi carb can help - use of more ventilation along with water spray is more effective even with high humidity the spray of water on birds helps to reduce mortality but often leads to more culls - the best to reduce mortality by 20-40% is to give ...
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Dear ALL,as already in many of the comments noted, in challenging conditions, especially heat stress, there is no single product able to serve as the optimum solution.Besides nutrition, all other factors need to been considered: biosecurity, cooling systems/ methods, ventilation, bedding materials, water quality and availability, stocking density...etc.From a nutritional point of view, the higher ...
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Gentlemen,Great valuable comments in this article.We do support Betaine usage as an osmolyte to help regulate body temperature, together with and increased oil content in the diet. The combination of betaine and other osmolytes, associated with liver protector gives excellent results, maintaining feed intake and reducing mortality. Let me know in case anyone needs further details.Thanks to all.
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Location:Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
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