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Gail Pedra
Product published on June 12, 2023
The Ozony Blanket is a South African design & invention, designer and developer Gail Pedra will be able to provide in-depth detail. The blanket fits from Pony to Percheron horse, full adjustable. The application of ozone to the horse is NON-INVASIVE(no needles or insertions) . The Ozone Therapy Blanket is uses in re-active (compromised horses) and pro-active (sports therapy for the competing hors ...
The publication of this product is complete.
Participation in Forum on May 5, 2015 Hi I have attached 2 links for you. Ozone is your best option as not only will it originate your water, it will keep the water free of harmful bacteria . Read and enjoy. Ozone is an initial capital outlay, here after its the cost of power. I have worked with ozone and horses f ...
Participation in Forum on April 29, 2015
Hi can I ask that you please email is to me ...its fascinating, Thank you
This member had joined Engormix
March 31, 2015
equalizer Statistics: Forums(2)
Location:Centurion, Transvaal, South Africa
Profile: Agricultural producer
Occupation: Horse breeder