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Article published the June 30, 2021
1. IntroductionBreeding for Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance is the most effective means of providing useful protection of wheat [1,2]. It is well known that resistance to Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium culmorum is not race-specific [3–7]. Research has shown that in wheat, the resistance to different Fusaria is also species-non-specific, e.g., the genotypes, being resistant to F. gra ...
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Article published the June 10, 2021
1. IntroductionMixing of isolates is a general methodical procedure used to produce inoculum for artificial inoculation. In most cases, no reason is given as to why it is used. It is known that the isolates of the Fusarium spp. have a strong variability in aggressiveness [1–3]. As mixing in seedling tests strongly influences aggressiveness [1], it is important to know what the influence of m ...
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Article published the March 17, 2021
1. IntroductionFusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most destructive diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Research in the last decades clarifies that the most important toxin-regulating agent is disease resistance [1–4]. Therefore, most of the work belongs to the competence of plant breeding. The artificial inoculations have a larger significance as the natural conditions ...
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Article published the March 6, 2019
1. IntroductionMaize is one of the most important cereals in the world. This crop is a regular host of toxigenic fungi infecting the ears, which can cause very high losses in crop yield. In contrary to wheat where F. graminearum is the leading toxigenic species nearly everywhere, the situation is more complex in maize, where at least two leading species exist from Fusarium and Aspergillus, with si ...
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Article published the November 23, 2017
1. IntroductionFusarium head blight (FHB) is an economically devastating disease of wheat and other small grains [1]-[4]. The quality and yield loss might be significant, but the losses caused by toxins are economically more important. As chemical protection, in spite of its progress [5]-[10], has only a moderate effect, the necessity of breeding more resistant wheat cultivars is inevitable. It is ...
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Article published the March 20, 2014
1. IntroductionFusarium head blight (FHB), regarded as one of the most important diseases of wheat, is caused by a number of Fusarium species. F. graminearum Schw. [teleomorph: Gibberella zeae Schw. (Petch.)] predominates in most parts of the world [1] while F. culmorum Sacc. and other Fusarium spp. are of rather regional and local importance [2,3]. The toxin contamination produced by the pathogen ...
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March 21, 2014
equalizer Statistics: Articles(8)
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research
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