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Feed Mixes and Analogues- a New Approach to Feed Industry

Published: April 8, 2013
By: Dr.P.George Kunju John (Animal Feed Consultant)

The advent of compound feed milling made sea changes in single ingredient feeding in animal rations. The added advantages noticed such feed compounding against single ingredient encouraged its growth in feed industry. The availability, cost and logistics were the factors supported the feed compounding. The development of the above industrial concept resulted in the acceptance of non conventional and agro0industrial by products in the feed formula. In order to process such materials feed technology was upgraded. Further to the feed milling the enhancement of nutritional quality became a challenge for the industry. Accordingly various feed process were developed.

In view of the above deliberations the feed formula was basically composed of 1. Protein 2. Energy 3. Fibre as major parts. Several ingredients are incorporated to meet the above nutritional specifications. The more ingredients are available the least cost formula become more acceptable. Furthermore large number of ingredients make the feed operation more arduous. Therefore, several premixing of some ingredients was practiced by some feed mills. Since the nutritional variations in composition make such premixes variations in the final product. 
Mixing such ingredients with a correct recopy makes the operation more acceptable. 
Some models of such feed mixes are given below: 
Protein feed mix
Protein                       >40%
Fat                             >2%
Fibre                          < 6%
NDF                           <9%
Insoluble ash             <2%
ME MJ/kg                    >12
Energy feed mix
Protein                     >10%
Crude fat                 >7%
Crude fibre              <5%
Insoluble ash           <1%
NDF                         < 9%
ME MJ/kg                 >12
Fibre feed mix         
Protein                     >12%
Crude fibre              <20%
NDF                         <32%
ME MJ/kg                  >8
The major feed ingredients currently used are soybean meal, cereal grains, beet pulp , brans and husks etc. The cost of the above goes up many times. Therefore developing analogues similar to the nutritional composition of the above high demand ingredients would go a long way in ameliorating the feed shortages. Strict formulation would enable to compound the analogue even superior to the original ones. It is possible to fortify the analogues with essential amino acids, fatty acids and glucose. 
The new approach to develop feed mixes and analogues will bring in revolutionary changes in feed industry. Since the quality check is exercised at two points the feed quality would be better. The acceptance of analogues in the feed market would nullify the monopoly of preferred ingredients in the international market which is stamped mostly as corn soya feed market. The availability of good quality analogues would bring down the animal feed price and would increase the animal production. 
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Dr.P.George Kunju John
Sushil Chandra
31 de octubre de 2013
Quite good topic,well presented New and alternate protein sources have been introduced in recent times in Poultry feed industry in India.They are CSM(cotton seed meal) with 40% prot,1%fat,1%SS and 12-13% Fiber and less than 125ppm Gossypol.This RM can repalce SBM o the tune of 5-7% in layer feed. Other item is Toasted Guar kurma 48% prot,6 % fat .1%ss and,6Fiber. Some other Agro- industrial by-products like from fermentation are also in pipe line Regards Dr Chandra
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