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Access to Precise Nutrition with NIR “In vivo” service of Adisseo

Published: May 23, 2012
Source : Adisseo Group
Adisseo offers a unique NIR service (Precise Nutrition Evaluation) combining Near Infra Red Spectroscopy and "In vivo" digestibility tests which allows the most precise characterization of raw materials for monogastric feed.
For 15 years, the company has been working on correlations between NIR and "In vivo" data. Digestibility tests are permanently conducted on pigs and poultry at CERN facilities (France). Amino acids from raw materials and animal feces are analysed at Carat laboratory (France),  essential aid to determine 'in-vivo' digestibility. Thanks to over 300 trials performed at CERN, we have figured out more than 400 equations to calibrate the measured data. Thus, we can provide the most precise values on the more costly nutrients used in monogastric diets : Total and Digestible Amino Acids, Metabolizable Energy and Total and Phytic Phosphorus," reports the development team, Adisseo.
Each calibration is validated by external samples, fully independent from the initial database.
The robustness of Precise Nutrition Evaluation determination has been proven through lots of controls in about 30 equipments throughout the world and they have all shown excellent repeatability, reproducibility and transferability. For all NIR Precise Nutrition Evaluation nutrients, the coefficients of variation remained constantly below 2%.
Regarding phosphorus determination, the correlation between the reference laboratory analyses and NIR predictions has a R2=0.94 for total phosphorus and 0.92 for phytic phosphorus.
Every year, "In Vivo" trials are achieved at CERN to keep improving the database, using raw materials such as soybean or sunflower meals but also non conventional raw material for which huge digestibility variations are observed.
It is also true for local or rare raw materials about which feed formulators have only few data.
This allows more accurate raw material sourcing for feed compounders and refined feed formulation matrix. Precise Nutrition Evaluation also improves quality control, especially for raw materials like DDGS from different geographical origins and process, which show a great variability in nutrient content and amino acid digestibility. Low quality samples of raw material with low digestibility of nutrients can then be quickly detected.
Precise Nutrition Evaluation enables to optimize animal nutrition and growth performance and can bring an average saving of 2€ per tonne of feed.
Adisseo Group
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Ricardo Claramunt
Huevos Prodhin
23 de mayo de 2012

Is it posible to Test bay NIR in feces, aminoacids, total P and Phytic P?

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