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Pakistan Feed Milling Industry

Pakistan Feed Milling Industry: a current overview on the poultry feed sector

Published: September 29, 2006
By: Zahid Rasool - Mohammad Athar

Poultry feed production

Seventy percent of broiler feed in Pakistan is produced in modern feedmills equipped with pelleting technology. Small feedmillers volume of business has been squeezed and in future may become non-profitable due to small volumes and higher cost of raw materials. Poultry feed production over the past 10 years is shown in tables 1 and 3.

Table 1. Poultry feed production (000 tonnes)

Items/year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
broiler 465 531 568 421 535 946 1144 1336 1473 1620 1985 2185 2475
Layer 496 507 553 350 420 297 266 296 396 436 680 750 850
Breeder 161 207 226 161 200 186 215 257 258 285 435 475 650
total 1122 1245 1347 932 1155 1429 1625 1891 2127 2817 3100 3410 3975

There are about 25 feedmills which are equipped with automation and pelleting. Table 2 suggests that integration has been present in the feed industry (A group feedmills), whereas the increase in B category feedmills has been greater in the past three to four years.

Table 2. Poultry feed sector segmentation

Basis of segmentation No. of feedmills in 1977 (102) No. of feedmills in 2006 (120)
A. Feedmills with breeder farms plus pelleting mills 10 13
B. Feedmills plus pelleting 9 20
C. Contractor plus commercial feedmill 40 42
D. Home mixer feedmills at P/F 43 45

Source: Writers own estimates.

Table 3. Pakistan feedmill production data by province: 2000 –2006 (000 tonnes)

Province Feed capacity 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Punjab 3600 1100 1251 1420 2180 2250 2600 3000
Sindh 1500 370 456 510 420 620 680 875
NWFP 250 90 100 100 120 130 80 50
Balochistan 120 66 84 97 97 100 50 50
Total Pakistan 5470 1625 1891 2127 2817 3100 3410 3975

Source: PPA souvenirs and writers estimates

Feed ingredient situation

Poultry feed composition consists of 50-65% grains and their by-products, 30-40 % vegetable proteins, 10-15% animal protein sources, plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

The feed milling industry does not import feed grains, thus utilizing locally available/produced feeds grain. These include maize, broken rice, wheat, rice polishings and sorghum. This paper examines raw material availability in the future, which may become constraints for feed production.


Maize production in the past five years is given in table 4.

Year Production (000 tonnes) % Change in production Cost/kg, Rupees
1999-00 1652 -0.8 6.87
2000-01 1643 -0.5 6.80
2001-02 1664 1.30 7.36
2002-03 1737 4.40 7.72
2003-04 P 1897 9.21 7.78
2004-05 2775 46.28 8.90

Source: Economic survey 2004-2005

Maize utilization by the feed industry is mostly dependent on price. Utilization of maize is in two major sectors, food and feed. About more half the maize is used in food products and on an average about 40% goes into poultry feed. Trends in maize utilization by the feed industry during the last 10 years are shown in table 5.

Table 5. Average percentage utilization of maize in feed

Years Utilization % in feed
1980 -1985 10-12
1985-1988 15-18
1989-2000 18-20
2001-2002 20-21
2002-2003 21-23
2003-2004 28-30
2004-2005 35-40

Source: Market information

Maize used in poultry feed is about 0.85 million tonnes. Rafhan uses 0.30 million tonnes for starch, cooking oil, and other food products such as glucose and energy drinks, 0.02 million tonnes is used by Fuji Cereals for corn cereals and others use 0.54 million tonnes including staple food (NWFP) and seed for future sowing. By 2008, maize requirement for the feed industry is calculated to be 1.71 million tonnes, whereas production will reach 1.91 million tonnes, assuming an average annual increase of 2%.

Table 6. Production of broken rice and rice polishings

Year Rice Production, 000 tonnes % Change Broken rice, 000 tonnes @16%*

Cost/ kg, Rupees

Rice polish, 000 tonnes @ 6% Cost /kg, Rupees
1999-00 5156 10.3 824 7.12 309 3.27
2000-01 4803 -6.8 720 7.06 288 3.86
2001-02 3882 -19.2 621 7.94 233 5.40
2002-03 4478 15.3 716 8.41 269 5.53
2003-04 4848 8.30 775 8.60 290 4.86
2004-05 4991 1.20 798 11.22 300 6.65

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2004-05 and market reports.
* 16% of rice as Rice Broken production.

Broken rice is utilized about 20-25% in poultry feed, while about 50,000 tonnes is utilized by M/s Habib Arkady Karachi plant for manufacturing liquid sugar. The remainder is exported along with rice as 5-10% broken rice. Utilization rates over the past 5 years are given in table 7.

Table 7. Broken rice utilization trends in feed

Year Utilization %
1999-2001 25
2001-2003 15
2003-2004 20
2004-2005 15-20

Source: Writers own estimates

Rice polishings, a by-product of rice processing industry, are used in poultry feed and for oil extraction (for the laundry soap manufacturing, as it contains 12-14% oil). Feedmills utilize 80% of rice polishings produced for energy and protein. The remaining 20% is utilized by the solvent extraction industry to extract oil, with the resultant bran again utilized by the poultry or cattle feed sector. As feedmillers are paying a better price for this product, utilization of rice polishings for solvent extraction has been decreased in the last five years.


Wheat production in Pakistan has a central position in agricultural policies because wheat is a staple food for people. Wheat production shows 1.8% increase over the last year. The yield per hectare has increased by 1.2 percent. This year wheat production is less than the target of 20 million tonnes.

Table 8. Wheat production

Year Production, 000 tonnes % Change Cost/kg , Rupees
1999-00 21079 18.0 6.99
2000-01 19024 -9.7 6.93
2001-02 18227 -4.2 6.99
2002-03 19183 5.2 8.07
2003-04 19500 1.6 8.70
2004-05 21109 8.2 11.41

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2004-05

Wheat utilization by the feed sector is limited by population need as staple food and government reserves, and remained between 4-5% during the last three to four years. In 2003-04 it declined further to 2-3% due to higher price as compared with other available grains.


Increases in sorghum and barley production were significant as shown in the economic survey of Pakistan (2003-04). In 2002-03 production of sorghum was 202,000 tonnes, and increased to 238,000 tonnes (17% increase) whereas for barley the increase was just 1%. Barley in 2002-03 100,000 tonnes whereas in 2003-04 102000 tones, and in 2004-2005 it is expected that production has reduced by 2%.

Utilization of sorghum/barley in poultry feed is about 3 to 5%. A major barrier for more use of sorghum in poultry feed is tannins and last year was the lower market prices. Low tannins varieties are in development at agriculture research stations and ICI has been trying to promote the hi-bred seed in rain fed areas. In future, sorghum may receive better market prices, which will be helpful for its production in Pakistan.

Vegetable protein sources

Vegetable protein sources are the major proteins in feed. Almost all vegetable protein sources are by-products of the solvent extraction industry. They vary in composition according to processing. Major vegetable protein sources used in poultry feeds are:

  • Canola meal (imported)
  • Rape seed meal (local)
  • Sunflower meal (local + imported)
  • Soybean meal (imported)
  • Guar meal (local)

The oilseeds market is driving meal utilization in the livestock sector, not the demand for oil. Local oilseeds production fulfills about 29 % of vegetable oil demand of the country. Total availability of the edible oil in 2002-03 was 2.19 million tonnes, local production stood at 0.641 million tonnes (Economic Survey of Pakistan 2003-04). During 2003-04 (July-March), production of edible oil from local oilseed was estimated at 0.702 million tonnes.

Canola meal imported and local rapeseed meal

Since 1997 canola seed has been imported for better utilization of the solvent extraction industry, as they were operational seasonally and in total only 180 days of the year.

Table 9. Canola seed imports and canola meal production

Years Canola seed imports, tonnes Production, tonnes (1) local Rape & Mustard seed Canola meal produced, tonnes Cost of canola meal, Rupees/kg Local rapeseed meal, tonnes
1998 20,800 12,064 7.51
1999 215,430 125,000 6.42
2000 412,566 239,290 5.49
2001 387,599 224,800 7.55
2002 428,534 210,000 248,550 8.92 121,000
2003 532,309 217,000 308,740 8.79 125,860
2004 E till Aug 278,096 +150,000* 221,000 381,010 9.69 140,534
2005 450,000 227,000 397,400 10.95

E: Estimated added another 150,000 tonnes in imports (* Sept-DEC)
1) Economic Survey of Pakistan 2003-04 (rape/mustard seed meal locally produced)

In the past five years, utilization of canola meal in feed has increased and cottonseed meal use has diminished. Canola meal utilization rate is around 10-15% of total feed (including rapeseed meal).

Sunflower meal

Sunflower seed has been imported from the Central Asian Countries and processed locally. The past five years import by the solvent extraction industry is in table 10.

Table 10. Sunflower oil seed imports and local production

Year Sunflower seed imports, tonnes Sunflower meal from imported seed, tonnes Cost of sunflower meal, Rupees/kg Sunflower seed local production, tonnes Sunflower meal local production, tonnes
1998 10,000 46,00 N.A
1999 27,310 12,562 4.30
2000 43,657 20,000 3.97
2001 143,000 65,780 7.66
2002 -- -- 8.23 250,000 115,000
2003 142,285 65,451 7.17 278,000 127,000
2004 34,000 15,640 7.37 404,000 185,000
2005 -- -- 6.95 507.000 233,220

Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan 2003-04 and import data of goods arrival at Karachi port.

Sunflower utilization in feed is restricted by high fibre content and low protein. The cattle feed sector, which is still unexplored for the compound feed manufacturers, utilize about 30% sunflower meal.

Soybean meal

Pakistan at present imports both soybean meal from India and soybean seed from Brazil and Argentina. In 2002 soybean seed was imported from USA under F-16 aid compensation program. On average, 7-8000 tonnes of soybean meal is imported per month. Annual imports of soybean meal from India are between 85-100 thousand tonnes.

Table 11. Soybean imports and meal production.

Year Soybean seed imports, tonnes Soybean meal produced from imported seed, tonnes Soybean meal cost/kg, Rupees
1999 26,000 20,800 16.70
2000 Nil N.A N.A
2001 147,000 117,600 19.35
2002 222,272 177,817 15.28
2003 39,172 31,337 17.94
2004 10,999 8799.2 19.43-21.00
2005 17.52

Source: Port Qasim Import Data. 59.85 Rupees= 1 USD

Soybean meal is totally utilized by the poultry feed sector. Pakistan’s feed milling sector utilize only 1% of the total Indian soybean meal production, which will increase in future, if canola seed production and availability become non-competitive in international prices.

Fish meal production and utilization

In 2004-05 Pakistan fishmeal production was about 65,000 to 70,000 tonnes, compared with 30,000 tonnes in 1985. Adulteration of fishmeal is a major barrier to its utilization in the poultry feed.

Feedmills use most of the fishmeal produced in the country. The utilization rate is 5-7%. By the year 2008 it is forecast that the shortage of fishmeal will be substituted with soybean meal or canola meal.

Guar Meal is locally produced in the country. There are two main processing plants of Guar in the country 1) Habib Group and 2) Pakistan Gum. Both has the capacity to process 80-85,000 M.tons of Guar per annum.

Future demand of raw materials

Keeping in view the past ten years growth of the feed sector at 7-10% annually, the demand of raw materials for the future need has been calculated in Table-12.

It is evident that in future the availability of raw materials, especially grains, will be difficult for feedmillers and there will be a shift of 10% towards either wheat or broken rice or Corn what so ever is available in better price to the feed milling industry.

The fate of the small feed miller/Home mixer role in the feed production will be reduced due to cost and marketing/ logistics arrangement of small shipments verses bulk shipment.

For protein sources (vegetable), the situation is not be so bleak, as Indian soybean meal production will be there to fill the gap. It seems that the oilseeds especially canola, sunflower and soybeans market is well established. For soybeans, the lower meal prices from India may not favor the solvent extraction industry of Pakistan, but in canola it is possible to earn more added value by selling the oil and meal within the country.

Fish meal production in Pakistan will increase by 4-5%. In the case of some years of poor fish harvest, production could be lower than the required quantity. Its demand can be easily shifted to other vegetable protein sources however.

Table 12. Future demand of raw materials (in million tones)

Name of Ingredient\Year Percent in feeds 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Feed production, mill. tons 2.81 3.091 3.40 3.97 4.11 4.526
Maize 26.0 0.73 0.80 0.88 0.97 1.07 1.18
broken rice 23.0 0.64 0.71 0.78 0.86 0.95 1.04
Wheat 4.5 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.17 0.18 0.20
Rape seed meal 2.5 0.07 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.10 0.113
canola meal 10.0 0.281 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.411 0.452
Sunflower meal 2.5 0.07 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.10 0.113
Soybean meal 7.0 0.196 0.216 0.238 0.262 0.288 0.316
Fish meal 3.0 0.084 0.092 0.102 0.112 0.124 0.136
Guar meal 0.8 0.011 0.0124 0.0136 0.0149 0.0164 0.0181
Sorghum/ millet 3.50 0.098 0.108 0.119 0.131 0.144 0.158
Rice polishings 10.0 0.281 0.31 0.34 0.37 0.411 0.452

Source: Writers Estimates, & Poultry Feed Miller Association

Explanation: After the next five years, grain availability may become crucial for the feed industry. If broken rice, sorghum and corn production do not increase to meet the feed demand, then further increases in feed prices will be inevitable.

Micro raw materials used in poultry feeds are 100% imported. Demand for vitamins and amino acids will increase at the rate of 3% per annum. Use of enzymes and other growth promoters in the feed will increase due to need of more efficient performance of the poultry sector and to get maximum nutritive benefits from the raw materials (grains and vegetable protein sources). For vegetable protein meal sources the role of solvent extraction industry is very vital for the feed production on one hand and vegetable oil production on the other. Local oilseed production is not enough to coop with the demand of meals. Import of Canola, Sunflower and Soybean is allowed by the government to support the livestock and poultry production. Pakistan has abundant resources of cotton seed, which is still screw pressed (Expellers) leaving 7% oil in it and utilized in cattle feed.

By the year 2010, a shift in the poultry-farming sector will be the factor determining the course of the poultry industry in the country. Its beginning has already started and large environmentally controlled farms are being constructed to achieve better performance.

Table 13. Raw material prices poultry feed ingredients (Rupees per kg)

Ingredient Years 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 Jan 05-06 Jan % tage increase
Broken rice 5.12 7.45 7.32 7.12 7.06 7.94 8.41 8.60 10.50 11.22 119.14
Maize 4.67 5.98 6.99 6.87 6.80 7.36 7.72 7.80 10.00 8.90 90.57
Wheat 4.91 7.17 6.34 6.99 6.93 6.99 8.07 8.70 11.87 11.41 132.38
Rice polish 1.87 3.55 3.63 3.27 3.86 5.40 5.53 4.86 6.00 6.65 255.61
Molasses 0.79 1.20 0.62 0.70 1.62 2.38 2.11 1.25 4.00 4.16 426.58
Rice bran 1.86 2.38 N.A 1.80 2.77 4.54 2.98 3.36 N.A N.A
Wheat bran N.A N.a N.A N.A 4.72 4.19 4.48 5.50 N.A N.A. 17.0
Sorghum 5.00 N.A 6.42 N.A 7.26 5.99 N.A 6.42 N.A N.A. 28.4
Guar meal 8.77 N.A 6.41 7.46 9.44 7.40 9.80 11.64 10.00 11.10 26.56
Cotton seed meal 7.08 8.42 N.A 6.55 8.99 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A. NA
Rapeseed meal 4.70 4.94 5.54 5.77 6.42 8.31 7.52 7.18 7.00 7.04 49.78
Fish meal N.A N.A 15.92 18.74 21.16 20.24 19.47 23.70 23.75 21.46 34.79
Poultry byproduct meal 7.41 8.80 7.77 8.96 11.04 11.24 12.25 13.16 14.50 14.60 97.03
Sunflower meal 4.75 N.A 4.30 3.97 7.66 8.23 7.17 7.37 7.37 6.95 46.31
Corn gluten 60% 13.80 16.08 12.56 14.69 16.90 14.44 15.35 16.14 16.15 17.15 24.27
Canola meal N.A 7.51 6.42 5.49 7.55 8.92 8.79 9.67 11.00 10.95 45.80
Indian SBM 14.21 14.72 9.96 14.70 19.35 15.28 16.94 19.43 17.70 17.52 23.29
Bone meal 5.97 7.40 7.37 6.85 6.64 6.50 6.30 N.A N.A N.A. N.A
Lysine 111.82 132.0 117.65 66.50 94.30 105.0 111.92 224.0 120 110 -1.6
Dl Methionine 122.0 129.0 180.0 119.0 133.0 N.A 126.0 N.A 165 145 18.85
Hydroxy- Methionine 123 129.00 299.0 137.36 166.0 133.0 133.0 190.0 N.A. N.A. 58.53
Feed cost per 50 kg bag (broiler starter crumbles) 475 504 519 549 574 604 634 669 694 709 49.26

Source: Poultry feed mills manufacturers association

The average percentage increases in ingredients prices from 1996-97 to the 2004-05 Jan comes to 84.97 %, while feed prices during the same years increased by only 49.26 %. Increases in the end-product farm gate and market prices have shown little increase due to the consumer economic conditions, attitude and purchasing power.

Table 14. Balance and demand of raw materials (million tonnes)

Name of Ingredient/ Year 2008 Estimated consumption in 2008 Balance
Feed production 4.526
Maize 1.18 0.82 * -0.36
Rice 1.04 1.23** +0.19
Wheat 0.20 not feasible to use
Rapeseed meal 0.113 0.20 + 0.087
Canola meal 0.452 Totally imported
Sunflower meal 0.113 0.269 + 0.156
Soybean meal 0.316 Totally imported
Fish meal 0.136 0.117 -0.019
Guar meal 0.0181 no increase
Sorghum/ millet 0.158 low tannin variety
Rice polishings 0.452 0.460 + 0.008

*Based on present consumption 42% of total maize production
** Based on average increase of 10%

Data in tables 13 and 14 reveal that in the past, increases in feed ingredients prices encouraged the production of different raw materials in the country, especially grains. On the other hand the end-product price remained within the reach of a common person, thus supporting increased consumption of poultry products. Availability of processed poultry products in major cities of Pakistan has brought changes to the poultry-farming sector.

The availability of most of the raw materials in the country is encouraging. More difficult times will be encountered by the feed millers now due to acute shortage of grains in reasonable price, and forecasted that the demand of raw materials are more dependent on imports. Among 55-60 items used in the feed industry, about 90% are imported, contributing 35% of the feed. Policy makers should consider if the remaining 65% grain portion is to be imported, then what will the cost of poultry production be justified within the county or will poultry imports become inevitable?


There are constraints and also opportunities in the poultry feed industry business in Pakistan. In the coming five years the feed ingredient situation is not as bleak with respect to grains, as most raw materials will use each other synergies to fill the demand of the feed industry. There is a need to establish the grain storage and drying facilities near to the grain production areas in the country.

Beyond the year 2010, the industry will start facing difficult periods for grains as well as the supply of protein by product meals, as the new feed mills will came into production but the availability of Indian meal via train to Lahore will provide relief to the feed industry.

Poultry products availability and poultry meat consumption has increased by 4% in 2004, due to lower prices in the times of bird flu syndrome and other disease outbreaks. The consumption utilization dips due to the above mentioned reasons are also restrict raw material utilization, thus imposing natural balance.

On the poultry products consumption front there is a need to lift up the poultry products image to increase consumptions level among the middle and lower income groups of the population.
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Rashid aziz
19 de noviembre de 2020
Good article about pakistan feed mill industry.
Ashish Jindal
15 de agosto de 2014
How about the usage of Guar meal Korma in Poultry industry in Pakistan now? Kindly suggest
Mohammad Hosseini
19 de junio de 2009

yes: the good article about Pakistan Feed Milling Industry
Pakistan Feed Milling Industry: a current overview on the poultry feed sector

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