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Effects of a saponin and oregano blend on performance and oocyst shedding in turkey poults during a coccidiosis challenge

Published: July 21, 2022
By: S. Hutsko, A. Garcia, E. Guaiume, D. Giesting, and R. Payne / Cargill Animal Nutrition, Rice Lake, WI, USA.

Coccidiosis in turkeys leads to decreased ADG, increased FCR, damaged intestinal integrity and, in clinical cases, increased mortality. Over the past decades of chemical and medication usage, Eimeria species have developed resistance to anticoccidial drugs limiting their effectiveness. So, this creates an urgent need to develop effective prevention and control strategies. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the potential of a proprietary saponin/oregano blend to maintain performance and reduce oocyst shedding in turkey poults during a coccidiosis challenge. In study 1, poults were raised in battery cages d 0- 14 and then were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: Control (C; non-medicated, non-infected), Negative Control (NC; non-medicated, infected), Zoalene (ZO; 125 ppm Zoalene, infected) and Experimental (E; saponin/oregano blend; 2 lb/t, infected), each with 7 replicates of 8 poults/replicate. On d 16 poults were gavaged with 1 mL of coccidia inoculum (100,000 oocysts/mL) and on d 25 birds were weighed and excreta collected for oocyst counts. The E birds had higher ADG compared with the NC and ZO birds and a lower FCR compared with NC (P < 0.05). Shedding of E. adenoids was decreased in the E group compared with NC, and shedding of E. meleagrimitis and E. gallopavonis was intermediate between the NC and ZO groups. In study 2, poults were again raised in battery cages d 0–14 and then were assigned to 1 of 5 treatments: Control (C; non-medicated, non-infected), Negative Control (NC; non-medicated, infected), Zoalene (ZO; 125 ppm, infected), Natustat (NS; 4lb/t, infected), Experimental (E; saponin/oregano blend; 2 lb/t, infected), each with 7 replicates of 8 poults/replicate. On d 16 poults were gavaged with 1 mL of coccidia inoculum (100,000 oocysts/mL). On d 21, birds were weighed and excreta collected for oocyst counts. Birds in the E group showed improved ADG and FCR compared with the NC and NS groups (P < 0.05). Oocyst shedding in the E group was intermediate between the NC and ZO groups. Overall, this saponin and oregano blend was effective at improving performance and reducing oocyst shedding in poults during a coccidiosis challenge.

Key Words: cocci, prevention, turkey, oocyst, saponin.


Presented at the 9th Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals, St. Louis, USA, 2021. For information on the next edition, click here.

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Stephanie Hutsko
Elisangela Guaiume
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