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Organic Modifiers as Sustainable Solution

Published: November 3, 2014
By: Luis Alfredo Chávez Balarezo (Research Assistant, Design and Innovation Agrovet Market Animal Health)
The constant search to improve the productive rates of animal species used by man for the production of food has led to the problematic of nutritional needs increase, generating the appearance of metabolic problems due to inefficient rations. These problems arise due to the limitations that many producers face in the fields, both extensive and intensive exploitations. Most important limiting factors in the diet have always been energy and protein; however, in areas where the relation of certain nutrients of food, such as minerals and vitamins, is not adequate by several factors, an imminent problem appears (Repetto et. al., 2004).  
Energy is the first limiting nutrient in animal production (NRC, 2001). Energy deficiency develops, as all deficiencies, when there is little food available, or when it is of poor quality. An insufficient energy supply would cause growth delay, lower production rates, and the appearance of countless consequences (Chicco et al., 1977).   
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a molecule present in all living creatures and is the main source of energy used by the cell to perform its functions.  When ATP levels decrease in the body, it can generate such an imbalance that may cause the collapse of certain functions, and it is expressed as a decline in production. Likewise does the muscular resistance, and so begins the decline toward muscle weakness associated with aging, loss of muscle mass and the appearance of many diseases of old age (Tang et al., 2010). 
Proteins, another limiting factor in animal production, are formed by simple units, linked to each other, forming large chains. These small units are the amino acids, which must be present in different quantities to enable the formation of proteins. Some amino acids may be synthesized by the body, others cannot be synthesized, and therefore they are called essential amino acids. They participate as metabolic source to help burn lactic acid and improve metabolic effectiveness. Exercise capacity increases due to an improvement in the utilization of oxygen and energy efficiency (Airahuacho et al., 2010).  
When amino acids intake is insufficient, a reduction of muscle tissue formation occurs, as a result of a reduction in appetite. This results in a lower growth rate and delay, as well as a poor production (Maynard, 1981; Blood et al., 1986). It is worth mentioning that protein deficiency is commonly accompanied by energy deficiency. For this reason, the absorbed protein in relation to energy must be in proper balance so that biological potentialities can be manifested (Preston and Leng, 1989).  
Minerals constitute the third group of limiting nutrients for animal production.  These are extremely important because their presence is necessary for the transformation of food in components and products of the body, such as milk, meat, eggs, skin and wool.
Mineral deficiency is usually related to serious reproductive problems and many metabolic diseases due to imbalances (Garmendia, 2006). In order to have a better picture, it can be said that mineral deficiencies in cattle have been reported in almost all regions of the world, considered as critical minerals for grazing ruminants Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Sodium (Na), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Iodine (I), Selenium (Se) and Zinc (Zn) (McDowell et al., 1984). It must be mentioned that tropical forages and grasses usually do not have adequate amounts of some minerals to meet their needs such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, cobalt and iodine. This results from the climatic and soil limitations that impose nutritional restrictions to pastures (Salamanca, 2010). It is worth mentioning that the lost in bovine production due to a low efficiency of food conversion in ruminants is due, precisely, to mineral deficiencies because of a lower digestibility and utilization of nutrients (Repetto et al., 2004) 
Vitamins are organic compounds indispensable for normal growth and proper development and maintenance of animals (McDonald and Greehalgh, 1995). Each vitamin has an important function in the body. Vitamin A is directly related to the development and protection of epithelium; vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) participates in protein synthesis and red blood cells, and of it depends the oxygenation of muscles and the whole body; vitamin D regulates calcium absorption and utilization; vitamin K is directly related to the cascade of blood coagulation; vitamins C and E prevent oxidation of sensitive biological substances in cells (Bondi, 1989) 
As briefly mentioned, a small imbalance of just one nutrient can cause a complete body imbalance, and today, there are often issues in servings and/or low quality pastures causing deficiency of many nutrients, resulting that supplementation is imminent (Montilla and Colina, 1998). Facing this ambiguous situation, arise a new group of products: organic modifiers, which seek to be viable alternatives to improve production parameters, as well as effectiveness.  
Organic modifiers are an alternative to growth promoter antibiotics, hormones and other drugs used in domestic animals diet to stimulate growth and increase production performance.  Undoubtedly, these (antibiotics, hormones and other drugs) greatly increase production costs and may result in the appearance of even greater issues.  It is so organic modifiers are presented as supplements that promotes and stimulate metabolism to achieve better parameters such as efficiency of pasture conversion, greater weight gain, shorter production cycles, among others, compared to diets lacking certain elements (Peruchena, 1998; Espinoza, 2004). 
Different studies may be mentioned in relation to the use of the organic modifiers.  The following are those performed with an organic modifier based on a combination of eight essential amino acids  (DL-Methionine, L-Arginine, L-Histidine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Threonine, L-Tryptophan, LValine), eleven mineral compounds (Sodium Chloride, sodium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, cobalt gluconate, magnesium gluconate, manganese gluconate, zinc gluconate, sodium glutamate, sodium selenite, potassium iodide), ATP and four vitamins (A, B12, D3 y E) (Modivitasan ®). 
In 2011, Delgado and collaborators evaluated the effect of this commercial organic modifier on weight gain in tropical cattle. 36 Nellore steers were used of 25 ± 7.7 months old and with initial weight of 211.1 ± 41.7 kg, distributed in a treated group (n=20) with three applications of OM, via intramuscular, in doses of 1 ml for each 50 kg/b.w. with intervals of 30 days, and an untreated control group (n=16). Both groups were in rotational grazing system, in three paddocks on a mixture of Brachiaria decumbens, B. brizantha, Pueraria phaseloides, plicatulum paspalum and Desmodium ovalifolium for 90 days. Animals were dewormed with Ivermectin 3.15%  15 days before beginning the study. Weight gain of the treated group was 43.4 ±9.2 kg and of the control group was 30.1 ±5.4 kg (p<0.01). The greater weight gain in the experimental group would be explained because of the additional supply of minerals, energy, vitamins and amino acids of the organic modifier, which might suggest that the herd was in a situation of important marginal deficiency before starting the experiment. The use of organic modifier could be an alternative to the better utilization of low quality pasture for cattle under conditions of low jungle in Perú.   
Tang and collaborators (2010) developed a study in which a treatment group of ten bovines that were treated with Modivitasan at a dose of 1mL /50 KgBW via intramuscular and a control group, where ten bovines received ClNa at 0.9% at a similar dose to treatment group. Both study groups were dewormed with ivermectin 1% in long action vehicle. Both groups were weighed at day 0, day 07, day 14, day 23 and day30. Inthe first week of evaluation the treatment group obtained an average weight gain of24 Kgwhile the control group obtained18.5 Kg; in the fifth week of evaluation the treatment group obtained39.8 Kgand27 Kgthe control group.  
In 2010, Airahuacho and col. test the effect of this product on the productive performance of post weaning piglets. Ten newly weaned piglets were injected with 1 ml Modivitasan and other 10 piglets with 1 ml ClNa 0.9% to determine total weight gain (0 to 24 days post weaning). Significant statistical differences were found (P<0.05). The piglets that were administered injectable Modivitasan showed greater weight gain compared to the piglets that received Sodium Chloride injection, at 24 days from injection (7.75 Kg Vs6.67 Kg). 
  • Airahuacho FE, Pujada HN, Ruiz JF, Tauca AA. 2010. Evaluación de un activador metabólico inyectable (Modivitasan) en el desempeño productivo de lechones post destete.
  • Blood DC, Henderson JA, Radostits OM. 1986. En: Blood DC, Henderson JA, Radostits OM, eds. Enfermedades causadas por carencias nutritivas. 5ta ed. México: Interamericana. p 918-983. 
  • Bondi A. 1989. Nutrición Animal. Editorial Acribia. España.
  • Chicco F, Plasse D, Bodisco V. 1977. Reproducción del ganado bovino en Venezuela. Agronomía Tropical. 27(3): 357-386.
  • Delgado A, Trigueros A, Tang J, Angelats R, Gavidia C. 2012. Efecto de un modificador orgánico en la ganancia de peso en ganado cebú en el trópico peruano (in press).
  • Espinoza E. 2004. Efecto comparativo del fósforo asociado a vitaminas (Hematofos B12, complejo B) en el incremento de peso de ganado vacuno mejorado en Iquitos. Tesis de Ingeniero Agrónomo. Iquitos: Univ Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana. 85 p.
  • Maynard L. 1981. Nutrición Animal. McGraw – Hill. México.
  • Montilla J, Colina J. 1998. Productividad del rebaño bovino venezolano. En: Romero R., Plasse D, Peña de Borsotti N, eds. XIV Cursillo sobre bovinos de carne. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Central de Venezuela. p 23-35.  
  • National Research Council (NRC). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Rev. Ed. National Academy Press,Washington,DC. 381p..
  • Peruchena CO. 1998. Dietas para la nutrición de bovinos en crecimiento y engorde en el sub-trópico. Publicación Técnica N° 13. Argentina: INTA Corrientes. 24 p.
  • Preston T, Leng R. 1989. Ajustando los Sistemas de Producción Pecuaria a los Recursos Disponibles: Aspectos básicos y aplicados del nuevo enfoque sobre nutrición de rumiantes en el trópico. Consultorías para el desarrollo rural integrado en el trópico (CONDRIT). Ltda. Colombia. 312p. 
  • Repetto J, Donovan A, García F. 2004. Carencias minerales, limitantes de la producción.
  • Tang J, Ruiz JF, Rodríguez LA. 2010. Evaluación de la Tolerancia y eficacia de una solución inyectable sobre la base de ATP, aminoácidos, vitamina B12, vitamina AD3E y sales minerales (Modivitasan) en bovinos de engorde 
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