A new trial at Cornell University shows low subclinical hypocalcemia levels in dairy cows supplemented with a calcium binder
Published:November 9, 2017
Cornell University tested the efficiency of a calcium binder (X-Zelit®) for preventing hypocalcemia. Feeding low level calcium in the prepartum diet has shown to be effective in improving the calcium level at calving. However, as this is difficult to obtain using the commonly used feeds, binding the dietary calcium using X-Zelit can mimic the low calcium approach. Preliminary results from the...
Pierre Dionne There do exist a range of peer review articles on the X-Zelit product. For practical observations of what farmers see when using X-Zelit, please take a look at our homepage www.x-zelit.com where you will find more information and youtube videos as well as local testamonials. Regards.
Jose Leguizamon The full feed ration can be found in the poster from Cornell University at www.x-zelit.com
There were no clinical cases of milk fever in the X-Zelit or control group.