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Incidence of Infertility Problems in Cattle and Buffaloes

Published: September 23, 2013
By: Dr. Dasharath Thakor (Flourish Pure Foods Private Limited), D. Patel (Natural Remedies)
Breeding efficiency is directly related to the prosperity of dairy industry. Infertility among dairy farm animals is one of the great economic problems which confront the vets. It is particularly wide spread in cattle and buffaloes (Yadav et al., 1991). The case of infertility are numerous, varied and complicated hence so many factors are concerned in successful reproduction. Delayed maturity and infertility in heifer, cattle and buffaloes are the major constraints in the productive life span of bovine. Incidence of reproductive disorders in pleuriparous cattle and buffaloes are widely reported in India (Rao et al., 1993). Looking to the great importance, the present study was formulated to elucidate the possible reason of infertility existing in cattle and buffaloes in rural area of Patan district. 
Materials and Methods:
The present study was performed in rural area of Patan district. Cow and Buffaloes (including heifers) with infertility problems in villages of Patan district, Gujarat were involved in this study. A total of 1313 animals (Cattle: 107 and Buffaloes: 1206 including Heifers) reported with infertility problems were subjected to detailed gynaeco-clinical examination during the reproductive health campaigns for the period from April 2007 to March 2008. All animals were maintained by rural farmers under rural conditions. 
Results and Discussion:
Incidence of various reproductive disorders observed by gynaeco-clinical examination in cattle and buffaloes are presented in Table No. 1. Anoestrous was found to be the major form of infertility in cattle and buffaloes which followed by repeat breeding in order of incidence. Similar findings were also reported by Behera et al., (1993) and Ashturkaret al., (1995).
Incidence of anoestrous due to smooth ovaries with ill developed genitalia was higher in buffaloes. Out of total 1206 cases of buffaloes examined 995 cases (82.50 %) was found with smooth ovaries and ill developed genitalia and 116 buffaloes (9.61 %) facing repeat breeding problems whereas, 95 buffaloes(7.88 %) having endometritis (Infectious form of infertility).
In cattle out of 107 cases examined, 35 cases (32.71 %) showed anoestrous, 60 cases (56.07 %) of repeat breeding and 12 cases (11.21 %) having endometritis (Infectious form of infertility). In respect of repeat breeding, both due to non specific cause and infectious causes, higher incidence was recorded in cattle. Khanna and Sharma (1992) have recorded an incidence of 42.85 per cent repeat breeding in cattle heifer. 
Table 1: Incidence of various infertility conditions in cattle and buffaloes.
Incidence of Infertility Problems in Cattle and Buffaloes - Image 1
In respect of repeat breeding, both due to non specific causes and infectious causes high incidence was recorded in cattle whereas anoestrous is the major problems in buffaloes. The incidence of anoestrous was higher during summer season might be due to heat stress and altered hormonal balances. Other possible reason for infertility is under nutrition and poor management of farm animals. 
Anoestrous due to smooth ovaries with ill developed genitalia was higher in buffaloes (82.50 %) which followed by repeat breeding (9.61 %) and endometritis (7.88 %) whereas, in cattle 32.71 % showed anoestrous, 56.07 % of repeat breeding and 11.21 % having endometritis. The possible reason for smooth ovaries with ill developed genitalia might be due to poor nutrition and poor management. 
Ashturkar, R. W., Aher, V. D. and Bhokre, A. P. (1995). Indian Veterinary Journal, 72:1050.
Behera, B. K., Mohanty, D. N. and Ray, S. K.H. (1993). Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 14:27.
Khana, A. K., and Sharma, N. C. (1992). Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 13:43.
Rao, A. V. N., Reddy, A. C. and Murthy, Y. N. (1993)...ibid., 70:722.
Yadav, N. K., Lohan, I. S and Singal, S. P. (1991). Indian Veterinary Journal, 68:897.
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Dr. Dasharath Thakor
Flourish Pure Foods Private Limited
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16 de julio de 2018
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