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I Can't Get My Cows Pregnant: Where Do I Start?

Published: June 23, 2008
"I'm working harder than I ever have and am having more difficulty getting my cows pregnant."  This quote from a Central Minnesota dairy producer reflects the thoughts of dairy producers throughout the country. It has been well documented that reproductive efficiency is on the greatest decline since the mid 1980s with services per conception and days open increasing. Most other countries ha...
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Satish Srivastava
Satish Srivastava
24 de junio de 2008
Low conception is a growing serious problem acoss the world. The published article is useful in establishing the right cause of low conception. Once they are identified corrective measures can be taken. Regards, Dr.S.C.Srivastava
Dr Chandrakant Patil
Origin Vet Nutrition Marketing Private Limited
25 de junio de 2008
The current published article is very useful in solving the current burning problem of cows not getting pregnant. The reasons may be different. But in India, we overlook the problems that are handled by man rather than by the animal or by the season. Metabolic diseases in high producing animals play an important role towarsd the reproductive efficicency of the animals. In my opinion the article stands as a clear remedy to handle the reproductive failures in a large dairy herd, and these articles should be published to refresh the knowledge and appplicability of the Consultants like us. Dr. Chandrakant N. Patil Mumbai
Jackie Els
Jackie Els
25 de junio de 2008
I am a product manager for an injectable trace mineral supplement in South Africa. The product is used worldwide and we have seen excellent improvements in the conception percentages in diary, beef and sheep cattle. Trace element status at critical times (before calving & breeding) seems to be a major contributer to reproduction efficiency and animal health.
Miguel Jordan
30 de junio de 2008
Son tantas las razones que se consideran como causantes de la baja de fertilidad en nuestras vacas que más parecen una justificación a nuestra impotencia para encontrar una solución a este grave problema. De todas estas causas, personalmente considero que la muerte embrionaria es la más importante y en la que se debería enfocar nuestra atención. Esto no es tampoco fácil, pero creo que si en cada establecimiento se llegara a descubrir la causa de estas pérdidas se podría resolver el problema en cada caso. Saludos.
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