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SQMI Initiative 5th Annual Meeting in Nashville, Nov. 8-9

Published: September 26, 2017
Source : https://tiny.utk.edu/SQMI2017
The Southeast Quality Milk Initiative invites to his 5th Annual Meeting, which will be held at The Inn at Opryland, in Nashville, Tennessee, on November 8-9, 2017. The event will focus on producers, milkers, veterinarians and extension agents.
Wednesday, November 8th
Moderator:  Steve Oliver, University of Tennessee
8:00 am “Welcome/Overview & Objectives of SQMI Project”
Steve Oliver, University of Tennessee
8:15 am “New insights into the people side of milk quality” Susan
Schexnayder, University of Tennessee
8:45 am “Milk quality and influencing factors in the Southeast”
Gina Pighetti, University of Tennessee
9:30 am “New tools and ideas for understanding mastitis
management” Derek Nolan, University of Kentucky
10:00 am Refreshment break
Moderator: Michelle Arnold, University of Kentucky
10:15 am “Small giants: Strategy for small farm survival”
Jeffrey Bewley, University of Kentucky
10:45 am “Working with a Hispanic workforce”
Fabian Bernal, DFA
11:15 am “How vets work with dairy producers”
John Laster, Dairy Diagnostic Lab Service, Todd County Animal Clinic
Noon—1:00 pm
Lunch/presentation of SQMI Milk Quality Awards
(Steve Oliver, University of Tennessee)
1:00 pm—6:00 pm
“MQIQ Teaching Parlor/Milking Procedures & Equipment Training”
Roger Thomson, MQIQ Consulting, Battle Creek, MI.

Thursday, November 9th
Moderator: Steve Nickerson, University of Georgia
8:00 am “Prevention and control of Staphylococcus aureus mastitis”
Steve Nickerson, University of Georgia
8:30 am “Importance of fly control in the prevention of mastitis in cows and heifers”
Becky Trout-Fryxell, University of Tennessee
9:00 am “Managing heat stress in the Southeast… SQMI perspective”
Stephanie Ward, North Carolina State University
9:20 am “Animal well-being: Impact on milk production and milk quality”
Peter Krawczel, University of Tennessee
9:40 am “Impact of housing on mastitis”
Amanda Stone, Mississippi State University
10:00 am Refreshment break
Moderator: Albert De Vries, University of Florida
10:15 am “Improving milk quality through genetics”
Dave Erf, Dairy Technical Services, Zoetis
10:50 am Panel on “Industry perspectives on milk quality”
Bob Shipley, DFA; Jim Howie, Maryland/Virginia Milk Cooperative; Fabian Bernal, DFA
11:30 am Dairy producer panel on “Lowering bulk tank somatic cell counts”
Moderator: Jeffrey Bewley, University of Kentucky
Noon— Lunch Public meeting ends following lunch.

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