Thanks for an excellent article describing dehorning and polled cattle. It is notable that one European dairy breed has made excellent progress in selecting for polled. The Norwegian Red breed (NRF) has gradually increased polled frequency in the population (currently >200,000 purebreds in Norway) with about 50% of calves born polled, plus many outstanding NRF sires are polled. Some bulls are homozygous polled and will guarantee polled calves. Many dairy producers throughout the world are crossing with Norwegian Red to get polled animals as well as to get very productive, fertile and healthy cows.
Very good detailed article about Dehorning of Calves. Passing clear message for farmers.
It is an excellent comprehensive article about Dehorning of Calves. However in the field somewhere there is a practice of removal of mature horn from the head of the adult cow. It would be better if the procedure of the removal of mature horn from the head of the cow is also described in detail.