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IAI Expo 2010, India: Final Countdown to International Animal Industry Event

Published: October 15, 2010
Source : Engormix.com
Engormix will be present at the International Animal Industry Expo 2010 (IAI Expo) which will take place on 27-29 October, 2010 in Karnal, India.

Visitors from the animal industry will come to this three-day event to gather information about modernized technology and the latest innovations. But also to meet buyers, sellers and technology suppliers in order to establish new business contacts.

IAI Expo will offer two seminars at Hall Number 1 on Thursday, 28th October, 2010. The Seminar entitled Animal Agriculture- The Future (Four Case Studies), is organized by CLFMA of India and will take place from 10 am to 01pm, where speakers will discuss about Murrah Buffalo Breed, Chicken Processing and Fish Farming.

On the other hand, the Seminar on Sustainable and Profitable Model for Goushalas is organized by the Animal Welfare Board of India and Ayurvet Limited and will be held on the same day from 2pm to 5pm. Speakers will talk about the goushalas, a very unique animal welfare institution created by our ancestors to protect and look after the handicapped, old and infertile cows. The seminar aims at inviting the representatives of the various Goushalas in India and talking about:

- Preventive Health management of cows

- Improving reproductive health efficiency through nutrition management

- Effective utilization of resource viz.land cow dung, urine available with Goushala.

In Hall Number 2 on Thursday, 28th October, 2010 the Seminar Latest Trends in Dairy Industry will take place from 10am to 5 pm. This seminar is organized by Pixie Consulting Solutions Ltd. Karnal and the focus will be on how fast Indian dairy Industry is growing and how the dairy section contributes the large share in agricultural gross domestic products.

Around 200 delegates are expected which include dairy farmers, milk processors, exporters, allied service providers and government officials.

Engormix.com, as Pixie Consulting Solutions media partner, will be welcoming visitors at its own booth: C-11 and providing information about the event and the company.
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