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Brackish water Ranching

Published: February 23, 2014
By: Engormix.com
Aquaculture farming is a century-old practice in many Asian countries. Until two decades ago, this commodity was still generally considered a secondary crop in traditional Fish Ranching practices. Aside from tropical countries, Europe, Japan, China, USA and other countries were and still very much involved in fish/shrimp culture. When in fact there are no more doubts about the tonnage requirements of sea foods in the world market, yesterday, today and the future due to increasing world’s populations. Brackish water species (fish, prawn/shrimp, crabs & others) will survive in three different culture systems, traditional-extensive, semi-intensive & intensive. Survival rates and the quality of the product remain to bother aquaculture farmers, because these could be the basis of the demand of better price in the world market. The future of fish/prawn industry lies in the hands of individual operators and/or farmers, as to the kind of technology they are inducing throughout the culture periods. Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. All of these requirements can only be achieved if you are a holder of a Daily Parameter on Prawn/Fish Biological Requirements (DPP/FBR). Aquaculture is the raising of marine species outside from its natural habitat from hatching to maturity to marketable sizes, supported and back-up by artificial means of supporting its life in different biological requirement based on their habitat --- from estuarine to inner littoral to the outer littoral of the sea. Aquaculture technology is a “Knowledge of Power” --- but it depends upon the source of your technology. Aquaculture is an arithmetic bugs, it Adds to your misery; Subtract to your pleasure; Divide your attention and Multiply like HECK! Daily Parameter on Prawn/Fish Biological Requirements (DPP/FBR) This Daily Standard Culture Period is a simple gizmo/gadget where you can simply compare evaluate your daily recorded parameters, fundamental to the biological requirements of your cultured stocks. These includes the life transition periods, density, body weight, type/feeding rates, water salinity/deepness, days of culture, harvest date, survival, total yield, etc., etc., etc. Should you wish to get hold of this amazing gizmo, please fill free to contact us At: 0927-751-2773; 0928-389-9115; 0922-687-9576 univalm@myway.com
Univalm EnkocoGreengold
Univalm EnkocoGreengold
23 de marzo de 2014
Seagrapes “Latu” suggest as replacement for prawns… HERE’s good news for prawn-farm operators in the face of the continuing slump of the prices of prawn in the world due especially to the strict enforcement of foreign buyers on anti-biotic free shrimp exports from the Philippines. Fishpond owners can now switch to the more profitable culture of [seaweeds] sea grapes “latu” caulerpa valmedteca , an edible seaweed which has great potentials both in the local and export markets. Unlike prawn farming, “latu” culture is less tedious without necessitating pond machination like the paddle wheels, generators, harvest nets, etc.,etc.,etc., and demands very minimal input capitalization at only PhP1,800.00 per hectare as it does not need any feeds. This would yield the farmer an average harvest of 6,000 kilos forth nightly or 12,000 kilos every month without replanting. At fifty pesos per kilo of latu, a grower can earn a cool Php 600,000.00 gross profit a month. One can still grow wild prawns, milk fish and crabs in a latu farm on a limited stocking as successfully practiced by our pleased student/clienteles. Those interested to know the scientific methodology culture of latu email us at: univalm@myway.com or visit: https://www.facebook.com/univalm However, YOU need not be a [seaweeds] sea grapes “latu” caulerpa valmedteca grower, for you to become a latu exporter. Enlist now for a correspondence learning univalm@myway.com, the backyard but sanitized way of processing latu for export. From harvesting, Hibernation, Washing, Destemming and quality selection, Brine Curing/Fresh, Hydration – Salt Treatment, Quality Control, Temperature – Hibernation, Air Freight Packaging Fresh or Salted and Transporting via Air. Telefax 63-32-422-2986; 0927-751-2773; 0928-389-9115; 0922-687-9576
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