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Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets

Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets

Published: January 26, 2012
By: Gary J. Burtle, G. Larry Newton, D. Craig Sheppard (University of Georgia)
After decades of work in Tifton, Georgia, University of Georgia researchers think soldier flies will be a viable alternative to fish meal in aquaculture diets. Early work with the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) used manure as the growth media, but recent efforts show that food byproducts can be a better soldier fly diet. Catfish grow well on soldier flies and other fish, including tilapia and rainbow trout have been fed the prepupae. The most exciting opportunity shows that changing the composition of the soldier fly diet will change the final composition of the soldier fly prepupae in a valueadded way.
Scientists in Asia, Europe, Israel, Australia, and North and South America have long proposed using insect biomass as a high quality feedstuff for food animals including poultry, swine and fish. Insects, especially fly larvae, can convert low value organic materials into protein and fat. House flies have been the most intensively studied in this role because their biology is well understood and because of their high reproductive rate.
But the house fly is a pest and potential disease vector. Recent advances in black soldier fly culture make this insect the best candidate for industrial scale production. Forty years ago massive populations of black soldier fly larvae lived under caged laying hens or swine housed in open sided structures. A solid layer of larvae hundreds of feet long consumed manure as rapidly as it was deposited.
Manure (residue) removal was not needed for years (versus months) since the migratory prepupae carried manure nutrients away as they left the manure beds. These huge populations no longer exist because ovipositing females will not enter modern enclosed animal housing. We intend to harness the productivity of this robust natural system.
Black soldier flies are an ideal candidate for mass production. Adults are not pests and larvae tolerate and thrive at densities up to almost 3lb per sq. ft. (14kg/m 2). Prepupae are self-collected as they leave the larval mass to pupate, then processed before developing into flies. With larvae maturing to crawl-off in four weeks or less, high rates of production are possible in an intensive system. This will require scaleing up and refinement of already proven systems. These systems were developed during 30 years of university research trials and more recent commercial production of Phoenix Worm larvae. This is the specially reared black soldier fly larvae produced as a live food for captive reptiles, fish and birds. A proprietary system is being developed to support very intensive automated production in a controlled environment. Waste food or fresh swine manure will be fed at up to 2lb per sq. ft. per day. Feed conversion rates of up to 25% (dry matter basis) are expected. Conservative projections indicate that a 400,000 square foot production plant would produce 3,750 tons of dry whole prepupae meal per year. However, we expect the prepupae to be processed into protein, fat (especially lauric acid), chitin and other products for best utilization.
Channel catfish fingerlings grew well on all diets containing soldier fly prepupae or skinless prepupae. Survival during feeding trials was excellent and the presence of soldier fly up to 30% of the diet did not seem change diet palatability. Weight gain per fish remained similar among treatments up to the 30% addition level and no higher inclusion levels have been tested (Table 1). The absence of negative are remarkable due to the high chitin content and high fat content of the soldier fly pre-pupae meal.
Although digestible energy in catfish diets was formulated to be approximately the same in all treatments, crude fat content increased as the amount of soldier fly prepupae meal increased. Also, calcium and phosphorus content increased with increasing amounts of the soldier fly pre-pupae meal. However, from practical considerations of the addition of the new ingredient, addition of more than 7.5% soldier fly pre-pupae meal decline in performance is encouraging.
Soldier fly pre-pupae meal should cost less to obtain than menhaden fish meal. Fuel to capture, ship and process menhaden fish meal would cost more than the cost of food byproducts used to produce soldier fly prepupae. Since soldier fly prepupae are more than 40% dry matter, drying costs are expected to be less than for fish meal since fish are 20 to 25% dry matter. A system for commercializing soldier fly meal is illustrated in Figure 1.
Table 1. Channel catfish performancea when fed diets containing soldier fly pre-pupae meal. Means within rows were not different from the reference containing menhaden fish meal, P<.05.
Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets - Image 1
aData represent means of four tanks of fish per treatment held 20 fish per tank.
bBased on total diet cost times ratio of PER diet to PER reference with menhaden fish meal.
Figure 1
Utilizing Soldier Fly Prepupae
Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets - Image 2
Figure 2. Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens)
Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets - Image 3
Figure 3. Soldier fly prepupae growing in a pilot-scale facility.
Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets - Image 4
Figure 4. Catfish feeding.
Mass Production of Black Soldier Fly Prepupae for Aquaculture Diets - Image 5
This article was originally published on the CAES University of Georgia´s website. Engormix.com thanks the authors and the University of Georgia for this contribution. 
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Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Oscar Arroyave Sierra
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
27 de junio de 2017
Dr Gary, the situation is as follows: When the larvae are about to emigrate from the substrate, if I am correct they empty their digestive tract, a leachate is produced that is toxic to them, if we do not have an alternative to evacuate this , Produces much death in larvae. Can this be corrected with a feeding schedule of 90 to 100 mg larva per day?
Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
27 de junio de 2017
I am sorry, Oscar, but I do not understand what you are referring to in this thread. Perhaps I am missing the original comment.
Oscar Arroyave Sierra
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
26 de junio de 2017
90 to 100 mg larvar per day?
Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
26 de junio de 2017
Leachate from substrates can be high in ammonia. However, other materials, including metals with toxic characteristics, can be in the leachate. You might consider a different feeding rate or weight of substrate per larvae. Dry matter conversion is calculated after the dry matter in the larvae and the substrate are calculated. Dry at 60 to 100 degrees C until a constant weight is achieved. The difference between the initial weight and the final weight is the amount of moisture. The amount of moisture divided by the initial weight times 100 equals moisture percentage. 100 minus moisture percentage equals percentage dry matter.
Oscar Arroyave Sierra
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
23 de junio de 2017

I am producing soldier fly larvae in large volumes, but I have noticed that leachate is toxic to them, so a drainage must be installed.

Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
2 de junio de 2017
Afam, if I read your not correctly you achieved 500 g per 1,000 gram substrate. I assume wet weight, so using feed conversion ratio, that is 2 parts substrate to one part maggot. Comparable to feed conversion for chickens and other relatively efficient animals. What is your dry matter conversion percentage?
Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
24 de marzo de 2017
Yes, live BSF have be feed to fish and poultry. Though if published observations exist, I do not know. Logistics of having live larvae to feed is problematic. The larvae moisture content dilutes nutrient concentration. In chicken feeding, one producer used cotton ginning waste and meat processing scraps as a substrate then fed chickens on the combined BSF culture. That method did not allow BSF to be the sole nutrient source. Many small producers offer live BSF to fish and chickens under relatively uncontrolled conditions. Be advised that the high fat content of BSF larvae and chitin content contribute to diet formulation challenges.
Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
29 de diciembre de 2016
We have not done as much with defatted BSF as we had hoped due to the difficulty we have had manipulating the products. Grinding or pressing processes provide very gummy material, even after drying. I have not gone to the point of using hydrolysis prior to oil separation but think that may be an approach to production of high quality separations of oil and protein fractions. Chitin separation after hydrolysis of the BSF would be another step. Others seem to be performing oil separations from fly larvae (don't know the BSF share) by their own processes, example AgriProtein and their product MagOil.
Oscar Arroyave Sierra
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)
26 de diciembre de 2016
I had the experience of feeding larvae with a mixture 70/30 molasses / molasses, being toxic for these, since they all died.
Gary J. Burtle
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
23 de diciembre de 2016
Remember that BSF products have 30+ percent fat on a dry matter basis. When adding 50% to the diet of fish, protein/energy ratio is changed and growth response does also. Please use the published composition or study specific analysis when composing animal diets using BSF. Our discussion of rates of addition to animal diets indicate the obvious conclusion that BSF should not be the only component. Also, substrate costs are a great pressure to market the insect meal at a high price. Yet, by using wastes or non-feed-grade materials (food waste, manures, algae, aquatic plants, etc.) a lower cost of production will be achieved. Current information indicates that heavy metals may not be accumulated by BSF larvae, at least no higher than the amount in the substrate. Pesticide residue is not perceived a problem since products used for substrates would logically be screened for contaminants. Real product safety research is needed by all concerned, however.
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