2023 IPPE Donates $30,000 to Atlanta Community Food Bank
Published:February 8, 2023
Source :https://www.ippexpo.org/media/
As part of the effort to fight hunger, the 2023 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) raised $30,000 for the Atlanta Community Food Bank through its ‘Giving Back to Atlanta’ campaign. The donation included $14,503 in contributions from IPPE, Hawkins Inc. and WATT Global Media, with an additional $3,422 provided through a contribution from Expo Auctions and $12,075 by numerous individual donations.
"We continue to be thankful for the support that IPPE and its attendees and exhibitors have given the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Contributions from these valued partners will help provide more than 125,000 meals to families in metro Atlanta and North Georgia, where one in four children face food insecurity each day," said Ben Burgess, corporate relations manager, Atlanta Community Food Bank.
“Since 2016, IPPE has been raising funds through its ‘Giving Back to Atlanta’ campaign. With the help of exhibitors and attendees who give to the campaign every year, approximately $180,000 has been donated to date to the Atlanta Community Food Bank. We thank everyone that has helped contribute to fighting hunger in Atlanta,” said IPPE show organizers.
The feed, meat, and poultry and egg industries continue to work together to provide healthy and safe food products. Production and efficiency levels and genetic advancements have made substantial expansions in the past decade alone. However, many individuals still suffer from hunger. One in seven Americans, and an estimated 755,000 people in metro Atlanta, rely on food pantries and meal service programs to feed their families each year.
Sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and North American Meat Institute (NAMI), IPPE is the world's largest annual animal food, meat, and poultry and egg industry event of its kind.