SWINE Palatability: A preference study was conducted in May 1998 by the AnimalScience Department at amajor university who designed the test. This test compared the effects of UPC-processedfeed versus atraditionally extruded starter diet. Diet is following:
A clear preference was indicated for diets processed via the UPC when young pigswere given a choice.
Diet B was processed on the UPC at 15.5% moisture and Diet A was the same starterdiet processed viaextrusion at 20.3% moisture.
Grow-out Results: Feeding trials with grower diets (see below for recipe) weremade comparing the samerecipe processed as a mea, pelleted, and through the UPC.
The feeding trial results with these pigs (started at 20 kg weight) indicatedthe following:
POULTRY A forty day feeding trial with turkey hens compared the UPC with pelleted, andexpander/pelleted feed. The results are summarized in the following table:
Galen J. Rokey May 2001 Process Technology Manager Wenger Mfg., Inc.