In past years, several laying hen flocks in Manitoba have had mortality due to Hemorrhagic Fatty Liver Syndrome (HFLS). In a hen with this condition, damage occurs due to the buildup and oxidation of fat in the liver. The hen dies suddenly from internal bleeding when a damaged blood vessel in the liver ruptures. Clotted blood is often found in the body cavity. HFLS should be suspected if many of t...
Thank you very much for the informative article about Hemorrhagic Fatty Liver Syndrome (HFLS). I came across this and I thought it was due to aflatoxins. Keep it up!
24 de octubre de 2008
Good article about Hemorrhagic Fatty Liver Syndrome (HFLS). Before now, I knew that fatty liver is a problem in broilers especially after 5wk,s but know I know it could be complicated with the haemorrages. Best regards.
Odusote Tunde
Dr. Habib-ur-Rehman
19 de noviembre de 2008
This condition of Hemorrhagic Fatty Liver Syndrome (HFLS) also occurred in which are producing less but getting more feed, especially broiler breeders. This condition can be minimised with addition of extra choline, Vit. E and selenium in the feed.