Producing specialty meats, usually without antibiotics, presents special opportunities and challenges. Successful alternative swine systems call for creative management and sound veterinary science.
With alternative systems, inputs used are different and pigs are integrated with the overall farm. There is likely to be tighter integration, with crops providing bedding and in turn relying on swine manure that’s returned to the field. Swine pasture may rotate with other crops.
Alternative swine systems are often tied to specific premium markets that determine some of the production practices. They may also include practices to assure animal comfort and restrictions on synthetic wormers.
Many of the sound production principles also apply to conventional swine systems. Some strategies include closed herds, separation by age, separation of units, good stockmanship skills, and partnering with a vet. Having the vet walk the operation on a regular basis is worth more than feed additives, some producers say. When you take out the antibiotics, the management must come up.
Sunlight is a great disinfectant, so the more separation, the better. Some producers even work with a neighbor to farrow off-site.
A new publication titled “Managing for Herd Health in Alternative Swine Systems,” draws on the knowledge of veterinarians and experienced producers who are successfully working in alternative production systems.
It’s available on the web, and hard copies are available without charge from Practical Farmers of Iowa
By Mark Whitney, Swine Specialist, University of Minnesota Extension