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Bio-Mos effects on pig performanc

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review

Published: January 11, 2008
By: J.E. PETTIGREW - Pettigrew Consulting International (Courtesy of Alltech Inc.)
It is imperative that we find new technologies to reduce the amount of feed resources needed to produce pork. The need is made more acute by the growing societal concern about routine use of antibiotics in livestock feeds. If we are to produce pork without the routine use of antibiotics in feed, we must change some things. The most important changes will be in production systems, sanitation and biosecurity. However, these changes should be supplemented with targeted methods for influencing the microbial ecology of the digestive tract of the pig.

Bio-Mos is a product designed to influence microbial ecology. It is derived from yeast cell walls, and consists primarily of phosphorylated glucomannans. Two modes of action are now recognized:

1. It binds to the lectins on the cell walls of certain undesirable bacteria. These bacterial lectins normally bind to the intestinal epithelial cells and aid the bacteria in colonization of the gut. However, if the lectins are bound to Bio-Mos they cannot bind to the epithelial cells, and the undesirable bacteria are eliminated from the gut lumen.

2. It enhances certain actions of the immune system. These modes of action enable Bio-Mos to help protect the animal from pathogens. This paper focuses on the empirical evidence concerning the effects of adding Bio-Mos to the diet of pigs on their productive performance.


The database consists of 17 comparisons in 13 experiments, conveyed in ten reports from eight research groups. Two additional experiments were excluded from the analysis because they were unreplicated.


An overview of the data set is provided in Table 1. This broad-brush summary considers only the overall experimental period, not short-term measurements. Where more than one Bio-Mos level was tested in an experiment, the data are averaged across the levels for this summary.

The results are encouraging. Although few of the responses were statistically significant in the individual experiments, the overall picture is of a beneficial effect of Bio-Mos. Of the 17 comparisons, 14 showed a numerical advantage of Bio-Mos, although some of these advantages were quite small.

Some comments about the approach are appropriate. This broad view across experiments has the considerable advantage of simultaneously considering a wide range of production conditions (genetics, diet formulation, environment, health) and providing a general impression of the effect of Bio-Mos across those conditions. However, the approach suffers from two disadvantages. First, it does not provide precise estimates of the response, nor of the impact of specific variables on that response. Second, it is subject to bias if experiments showing ‘undesirable’ responses are not included. That is a real concern when relying on the published scientific literature for the database, because ‘negative’ responses are sometimes not considered acceptable for publication. In the present case we believe we have included all data that have been sponsored by Alltech, regardless of the outcome, so this summary is safer than most.

The overall mean percentage response was an increase in growth rate of 4.4% (Table 1). For perspective, that is a somewhat smaller response than we generally expect from antibiotics, which appear to increase growth rate of starting pigs by about 16% on average (NRC, 1998). Most of the antibiotic data were collected many years ago when pigs, diets, weaning ages and production systems were very different from those used now, so the comparison may not be strictly appropriate. However, as described in more detail later, it generally appears that the response to Bio-Mos is smaller than the response to antibiotics, but it clearly exists. The product is a useful tool for improving pig performance.

The overall summary shows that Bio-Mos increases feed intake and improves feed efficiency of starting pigs (Table 2). Both of these responses are smaller than the growth rate response, which is the same pattern of response found with antibiotics (NRC, 1998).

The next sections of the paper examine the nature of the response to Bio- Mos and certain factors that influence the size of the response.


A summary of the average daily gain response to Bio-Mos during only the first stage of the nursery period (7 to 14 days, depending on the experiment) shows a more variable response than over the overall period, as expected (Table 3). The mean percentage increase in growth rate is bigger during the early period (Table 3) than during the overall period (Table 1) because of some very high values, but there does not appear to be a strong pattern of bigger responses during the early stage within individual experiments. From this, I infer that the response to Bio-Mos is not concentrated during the first few days after weaning, but is probably of approximately uniform size throughout the nursery phase.

Table 1. Growth rate response to Bio-Mos in controlled studies with starter pigs.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 1
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Table 2. A summary of feed intake and efficiency responses to Bio-Mos in starter diets for pigs.

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The experiments were divided arbitrarily into three weaning age categories (Table 4). These data suggest that the response to Bio-Mos may decline slightly as weaning age increases, but that the effect is small.

Table 4. Effect of weaning age on the growth rate response to Bio-Mos in starting pigs.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 3


It is presumably necessary to provide an adequate concentration of Bio- Mos in the diet in order to achieve the desired effects. Four experiments have tested more than one level of Bio-Mos, and they support some tentative conclusions about the best level.

Stockland (1999) compared several levels of Bio-Mos, and found that 0.3% appeared optimal (Figure 1). Maxwell et al. (2000) confirmed that 0.3% supported better performance than 0.2%, but that was partially because in that experiment performance on the lower level was actually poorer than on the control diet. Data from LeMieux et al. (1999) also show nonsignificant trends in the same direction when the diet contained a high level (3,000 ppm) of zinc, but not when the zinc level was lower. The study of Brendemuhl and Harvey (1999) can be interpreted to show that 0.2% is better than 0.1%, but the difference was not statistically significant.

Overall, it appears that performance of starting pigs is maximized at a Bio-Mos level of about 0.3% of the diet. Cole (1999) suggested a ‘step-down’ program, using a high dietary concentration of Bio-Mos in the first feed after weaning when intake is low, and gradually reducing the concentration in successive feeds. Stockland et al. (1999) confirmed that such a program (0.4, 0.2, 0.1%) produced better performance than a constant level of 0.2%. Some version of a step-down program appears to be the best choice.

Table 3. Responses to Bio-Mos during Stage I (7-14 days).

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Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 5

Figure 1.
Response to graded levels of Bio-Mos in weanling pigs (adapted from Stockland, 1999).


The proposed modes of action of Bio-Mos are forms of protection against disease challenges. It seems logical that it would be more effective when disease challenges are greater than when they are smaller. It is not possible to evaluate the degree or nature of disease challenges in the experiments under review, but perhaps the overall growth rate of the control treatments can serve usefully as an imperfect index of disease challenge. Pigs that are subjected to a greater disease challenge are likely to grow more slowly. Slower-growing pigs may respond more dramatically to Bio-Mos.

To examine whether that actually happened, it was necessary to sort the data in order to avoid confounding factors. First, two weaning age categories were selected, 17-21 and 24-28 days. Further analyses were made within each of these categories. If performance of pigs in different experiments is to be compared, it must be measured over approximately the same stage of growth. Some experiments cause difficulty in this regard because the experimental period was short. Therefore, all experiments with a growth period less than an arbitrarily selected 28 days were eliminated, leaving a range of 28 to 38 days. One experiment was eliminated because it did not start immediately at weaning, and another because actual growth rates were not reported.

That left nine comparisons in the 17-21 day weaning age category (two each from LeMieux et al., 1999; Stockland et al., 1999; Maxwell et al., 1999a; Maxwell et al., 2000; and one from Davis et al., 1999); and three comparisons in the 24-28 day weaning age category (van der Beke, 1997; and two from Harper and Estienne, 2000). The results are plotted in Figures 2 and 3.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 6

Figure 2.
Bio-Mos growth rate response versus control in pigs weaned at 17-21 days.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 7

Figure 3.
Bio-Mos growth rate response versus control in pigs weaned at 24-28 days.

The data for the older weaning age (Figure 3) show a very clear relationship between percentage improvement in growth rate from using Bio-Mos and growth rate of control pigs. Slower-growing pigs respond more dramatically to Bio-Mos, exactly as we expected. The pattern with the younger weaning age (Figure 2) is less clear, but it appears to show a similar relationship.

From these figures, I draw the following working hypothesis: pigs with growth rate less than 350-400 g/day in the nursery are likely to respond to Bio-Mos with improved growth rate. We should not depend on a response in pigs already growing faster than 400 g/day, although it occurs in some experiments.

This analysis is imperfect, but I believe that when combined with our understanding of the mode of action of Bio-Mos it supports the working hypothesis outlined above. The relationship to performance level is important, because many of the university experiments report excellent growth rate, while the growth rate in many commercial nurseries is substantially slower.

Note that this pattern of response is similar to the pattern of response to antibiotics. Challenged pigs respond more dramatically to antibiotics than do healthier pigs.


Harper and Estienne (2000) found the growth rate of starting pigs was increased by 10.2% (P<0.01) by Mecadox, but only 1.0% (not significant) by Bio-Mos, suggesting the response to Bio-Mos is smaller than the response to antibiotics.

Three experiments (LeMieux et al., 1999; Maxwell et al., 1999; 2000) compared the responses to Bio-Mos and to a high level of zinc oxide (2,300– 3,000 ppm Zn) when added to a basal diet. In two cases, the response to zinc oxide was bigger. The respective percentage increases in overall growth rate were 17.4, 9.8, and 3.4% for zinc oxide, while the corresponding increases for the best Bio-Mos treatment were 18.3, 4.2, and –0.5%. Davis et al. (1999) found a bigger response to copper sulfate (16.1% increase in overall growth rate) than to Bio-Mos (6.3%), evaluating main effects in a factorial experiment.

It is clear that the responses to Bio-Mos are real and important. Realistically, it appears from the data available to date that they are smaller than the responses to antibiotics, zinc oxide, or copper sulfate.


Harper and Estienne (2000) found no interactions between carbadox (Mecadox) and Bio-Mos, suggesting that the effects are additive.

All three experiments that studied Bio-Mos and zinc oxide found interactions between them, but the patterns were not consistent. The results of Maxwell et al. (2000) suggest that pigs may respond to either Bio-Mos or zinc oxide, but that the responses are not additive. LeMieux et al. (1999) found a trend in the same direction (smaller response to Bio-Mos in the presence of zinc oxide), but the more striking interaction was between Bio-Mos levels and zinc oxide. The higher level of Bio-Mos (0.3%) appeared best in the absence of 3,000 ppm zinc, but the lower level (0.2%) seemed better with the zinc supplement. The data of Maxwell et al. (1999a) indicated that the response to Bio-Mos was bigger in the presence of a high level of zinc oxide.

Davis et al. (1999) found an interaction between Bio-Mos and a high level of copper sulfate, but only during the first few days after weaning. Bio-Mos improved performance in the absence of a high level of copper sulfate, but reduced it in the presence of 185 ppm copper from copper sulfate.

These results do not lead to a clear conclusion regarding interactions between Bio-Mos and the various antibacterial agents. It would be useful to generate more information in situations where a sizable response to Bio-Mos is expected.


There is a smaller database on finishing pigs. It consists of five comparisons in four experiments from four research groups. The database is not big enough to support the depth of analysis undertaken on the starting pig database.

A broad overall summary, corresponding to the one presented for starting pigs in Table 1, is offered in Table 5. Unlike the summary for starting pigs, this one does not show a clear pattern of benefits from the use of Bio- Mos. In three of the five cases the pigs fed Bio-Mos grew faster than the controls, but that effect was statistically significant in only one experiment.

Feed efficiency data show a similar lack of clear response (Table 6). LeMieux and Southern (1999) found no effects on carcass measurements.

In my view, the appropriate interpretation of the data in Tables 5 and 6 is that:

1) the data available to date do not show clearly that Bio-Mos improves performance of finishing pigs; and

2) if Bio-Mos is eventually shown to improve performance of finishing pigs, the response is likely to be smaller than the response in starting pigs. That is not surprising, as the response to antibiotics is also markedly smaller in finishing pigs than in starting pigs (NRC, 1998).

There is no compelling evidence to date of a bigger response to Bio-Mos during the early part of the finishing period than later (data not shown).

An appropriate dose level is not clear. The only statistically significant increase in growth rate was found in the study by Kavanagh (1999), which used the lowest Bio-Mos concentration in the diet (0.5%). However, results of a direct comparison by Brendemuhl and Harvey (1999) suggest that 0.2% is better than 0.1%.

Table 5. Growth rate responses to Bio-Mos in finishing pigs.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 8
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Table 6. Feed efficiency and intake responses to Bio-Mos in finishing pigs.

Bio-Mos effects on pig performance: a review - Image 9
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The wide variation in weight ranges among experiments makes it difficult to draw conclusions about the effect of performance level on the response to Bio-Mos. The logic applied to starting pigs, suggesting that slowergrowing pigs should respond more markedly to Bio-Mos, would seem to apply to finishing pigs also. However, more data are needed to verify it.

Dvorak (1996) found no differences in overall performance among finishing pigs fed Bio-Mos, bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD), or virginiamycin. The experiment did not include a negative control, so it is not clear to what extent the pigs responded to any of the products. Maxwell et al. (1999b) found that overall growth rate was increased 5.0% by Bio- Mos, compared to an increase of 10.4% from addition of copper sulfate (175 ppm Cu), when the products were added singly. Combining Bio-Mos and copper sulfate did not produce an additive response.


In an experiment in China (Huan, 1999), a daily oral dose of 250 mg Bio- Mos to piglets from birth to weaning at 28 days of age increased growth rate and reduced the incidence of diarrhea. The daily growth rate increased from 220 to 233 g (5.9% increase), and the incidence of diarrhea (not defined) was reduced from 41 to 25%. Bacteriological studies indicated the presence of a pathogenic E. coli in the building.

Perhaps Bio-Mos can become a valuable tool for improving piglet performance in the face of an active outbreak of E. coli diarrhea.


The data available to date suggest strongly that adding Bio-Mos to the diet of starting pigs improves their performance. The improvement is especially large and consistent where growth rates are at levels often found in commercial production. The best approach seems to be feeding a high dietary level of Bio-Mos in the first post-weaning diet and then gradually reducing the level as the pigs grow.

The data on finishing pigs allow the possibility that Bio-Mos may improve growth performance, but they do not show it clearly.

There is experimental support for the use of Bio-Mos to improve the health and performance of nursing pigs under a disease challenge.


Brendemuhl, J.H. and M.R. Harvey. 1999. Evaluation of Bio-Mos (mannanoligosaccharide) in diets for pigs. I. Growth performance response during nursery and growing-finishing phases. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. Report to Alltech Inc.

Cole, D.J.A. 1999. Potential, performance and problems. In: Concepts in Pig Science 1999. The 1st Annual Turtle Lake Pig Science Conference. (T.P. Lyons and D.J.A. Cole, eds.) Nottingham University Press, Nottingham. pp 19-31.

Davis, M.E., C.V. Maxwell, E.B. Kegley, B.Z. de Rodas, K.G. Friesen, D.H. Hellwig and R.A. Dvorak. 1999. Efficacy of mannan oligosaccharide (Bio-Mos) addition at two levels of supplemental copper on performance and immunocompetence of early weaned pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 77 (Suppl. 1):63. (Abstr.).

Dvorak, R.A. 1996. Mannanoligosaccharide as an alternative to growth promotant antibiotics for growing-finishing swine: response under commercial conditions. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Symposium on Biotechnology in the Feed Industry, Lexington, KY.

Dvorak, R. and K.A. Jacques. 1998. Mannanoligosaccharide, fructooligosaccharide and Carbadox for pigs days 0-21 post-weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 76 (Suppl. 2):64. (Abstr.).

Harper, A.F. and M.J. Estienne. 2000. Efficacy of carbadox antibiotic and a mannanoligosaccharide source as growth promoters for weanling pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 78 (Suppl. 2):12. (Abstr.).

Huan, X.-H. 1999. Performance and incidence of coliform scours and immunological response in piglets given Bio-Mos alone or in combination with citric acid or Norfloxacin. College of Animal Science, Fujian Agricultural University, China. Report to Alltech China.

Kavanagh, N.T. 1999. Performance response to Bio-Mos: Grower/finisher pigs. Oldcastle Laboratories, Oldcastle, Co. Meath, Ireland. Report to Alltech Ireland.

Kumprecht, I., and P. Zoba. 1999. Mannanoligosaccharides in weanling pig diets: Effects on performance and nutrient digestibility. Research Institute of Animal Nutrition, Pohoelice, Czech Republic. Report to Alltech Czech Republic.

LeMieux, F.M., T.D. Bidner, and L.L. Southern. 1999. Effect of 0.2 and 0.3% Bio-Mos with and without 3,000 ppm zinc on growth performance of weanling pigs. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Report to Alltech Inc.

LeMieux, F.M. and L.L. Southern. 1999. Effect of Bio-Mos in finishing pigs. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Report to Alltech Inc.

Maxwell, C., K. Friesen, E.B. Kegley, B. de Rodas, D. Hellwig, and E. Davis. 1999a. Efficacy of Bio-Mos in improving gain and efficiency in early weaned pigs fed diets with and without growth promoting levels of Zn. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, Report to Alltech Inc.

Maxwell, C., B. da Rodas and Z. Johnson. 1999b. Efficacy of Bio-mos in improving gain and efficiency in grow/finish pigs. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Report to Alltech.

Maxwell, C., K. Friesen, E.B. Kegley, and E. Davis. 2000. Effect of Bio- Mos addition with and without zinc oxide supplementation on performance and immunocompetence in weanling pigs. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Report to Alltech Inc.

National Research Council. 1998. Nutrient Requirements of Swine. Tenth Edition. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. p 97.

Stockland, W.L. 1999. Practical solutions to maximise production: The commercial application of oligosaccharides in starter pig diets. In: Concepts in Pig Science. The 1st Annual Turtle Lake Pig Science Conference. (T.P. Lyons and D.J.A. Cole, eds.) Nottingham University Press, U.K.

van der Beke, N. 1997. The use of mannanoligosaccharides (Bio-Mos) and lactic acid bacteria (Lacto-Sacc) in piglet feed. Thesis, Department Biotechnological Sciences, Landscape Management and Agriculture, Gent, Belgium.

Pettigrew Consulting International, Louisiana, Missouri, USA
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