I have a sow in its second month of pregnancy who ate well the 60 first days, but now everything changes, and it doesn´t want to eat anything,and when it drinks water then it vomits with a yellow colour and with a strong smell. We gave it antibiotics to stop the pain but we had no luck. We are desesperated since 8 days has passed by in the same situation. What do you think?
My sow was just crossed, since then she has lost appetite and she is always laying on her side, she only drinks water and also has a white discharge coming out of her vulva. Please help cause she's already losing weight.
My sow is 109 days pregnant , on 108th day it suddenly stop eating and start showing nesting behaviour! Since then no drinking or eating , it keeps on lying down with heavy breathing. On 109th day (today) it starts vomiting and passing out watery stool... Since then it's been two days, it doesn't eat anything. I have given multivitamin but no positive response! Any suggestions??
My sow just one month pregnant stopped eating, but she is drinking water and still stooling. I gave her antibiotics, and vitamin B complex, but the situation has not changed. It is weak yet, but this the second day.
I need advice please, what should I do
My sow is 2 months pregnant first she had cough & I treated her suddenly she loss appetite. For past 2 weeks now she's not eating only drinking water. And the mode of breathing has changed. What could be the problem?
I dewormed my pregnant sow three weeks to birth .for two days it was weak and was not eating, but now it is eating.is it going to have any negative effect on the unborn once ?
My pregnant sow is presently having lost of appetite, I administer a mixture of multivitamin and butaphosphan injections but there is no improvement. I don't know what to do.
my sow is 67 day pregnant and refuse to eat. It always lay down and has no appetite. What was the sickness my sow is suffering? What illness might it be? what could be the reason in such case? Pls help me
My sow is 86 days pregnant and suddenly it off feed 2 days ago but is drinking little water. What I also noticed was I pressed it's udder and there is milk coming out. Pls what may be the problem. Pls I need help.