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Participation in Forum on May 12, 2015
I do not think there exist any relationship between vitiligo and pregnancy or vitamin mineral supplement .Any way since this is your observation there is no harm if if both treatment modality are given together . P.K.Sethi
Participation in Forum on August 6, 2013
Dear Dr Naveen , In that particular case sulfur 10 M was used as inter current followed by silicea 200 , after 10 day and continued for one month . My choice is not liquid but i prefer giving medicine in globules no. 60 3 per dose tossed in a small flour ball. P.K.Sethi 0788- 2320274
Participation in Forum on August 5, 2013
start with lower potency ( i prefer 30 c ) to go gradually higher up to c.m. depending up on the progress of the case . P.K.Sethi
Participation in Forum on April 11, 2013
Thanks Dr. Jasmer, I will communicate my experience with T.S.Citrate in the near future. Yours P.K.Sethi
Participation in Forum on April 8, 2013
Hello Dr. Jasmer Singh kindly inform citrate addition per ton of feed and availability of graded paper strips in India. Yours P.K.S.
Participation in Forum on April 6, 2013
Hello Dr. Singh. You mean role of bacteria is secondary, if this be so why not use tri- sodium citrate as feed additive and curb the menace before it happens ? Regardfully P.K.S.
Participation in Forum on April 5, 2013
One can not think of dairy industry without mastitis. Efforts extending over more than a century have miserably failed to treat, control and manage this problem. I think it's high time we look for alternative therapy. My experience with homeopathy has been promising vis-a-vis conventional therapy. It is cost effective with no resistance problem in man and beast.
Article published the April 3, 2013
IntroductionVitiligo is a progressive disease of skin in which melanocytes are gradually destroyed causing depigmentation. It is most commonly acquired hypomelanosis in human. Elephant, horses, dogs, poultry and buffaloes  are animal species in which Vitiligo has been recorded. In buffaloes depigmentation starts around  brisket and and may extend up to neck, abdomen, and f ...
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forum 10
Participation in Forum on February 17, 2013
This refer to Dr. M.Sindhi about Hemorrhagic Septicemia in Buffalo - I have used Homeopathic drugs Phosphorus in 50 M potency single dose as preventive and B.I.D six times as curative. Please try and let me know the results. A few years back this was used at central semen station to control the O.B. of H.S. in vaccinated bulls when cetofur failed .  
Participation in Forum on February 9, 2013
This refers to Dr. Neelesh Sharma's post dated 02/18/2012 . I would like to know in how many cases of mastitis he has used homeopathy as treatment modality ? I feel his remark very casual with regard to homeopathy . P.K.Sethi
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Location:Bhilai, Madhya Pradesh, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Followers (4)