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Abdul Matin
Abdul Matin likes the comment:
Luc GoethalsThank you for your pushback against overly optimistic marketing language.Synergy is a word often used, but an effect rarely demonstrated in organic acid trials. Additivity is far more common. This is becuase for most organic acids, the mode of action is the same, and the pH of the environment in which the acids are expected to operate are either too high or too low to allow for the dif ...
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We are more than happy to use and sell this product over the last 24 yesrs. The conscious customer prefer to use Myco Ad for better of toxins. The continued reaseach of Special Nutrients is the key point of success of product & the company. Perhaps the first and the oldest in the field to lay emphsis on the existance of toxins. The name of Late Mr. Fernando II shall be ever remembered in the histo ...
Participation in Forum on February 27, 2019
Dr Singh are these products available in the indian market what is the price and dosage per mt if feed. appreciate your response
Abdul Matin likes the comment:
Management of mycotoxicosis starts from the field operation itself. If you detect mycotoxins in feed use the suitable toxin binder. I have also developed two mycotoxin binders viz. Mycodetox B1 and Mycodetox B1 for poultry. The efficacy of both the binders was tested in chickens, quails and turkeys. Both the binders completely ameliorated the adverse effects of aflatoxicosis in tested species and ...
Participation in Forum on February 27, 2019
Good talk, Dr. Sawant. Thanks to Special Nutrients for arranging the visit. A.MatinBusiness directorHeralds Trading Pvtltdmumbai
Participation in Forum on February 26, 2019
Ram Singh, that is precisely what I meant. To reduce the growth of fungus propionic acid is used .ie to say mycotoxins being secondary metabolite of organisms of the fungus growth has to be controlled by propionic acids and mycotoxins already prevailing by mycotoxin binders.
Participation in Forum on February 25, 2019
Excellent study.Indeed inclusion of an effective mycotoxin binder is necessary to reduce the risks of aflatoxins in poultry. Unfortunately, poultry farmers seem to think that these are unnecessary and any binder like activated charcoal or other common clays can do the work to minimise the extra cost of additives in a feed.They use the toxin binders only as a measure when things fail. The mindset m ...
Participation in Forum on February 20, 2019
While propionic acid can assist in controlling mold growth, it's important to know that mycotoxins are already formed and exist in the feed. Mycotoxins need mycotoxin binders to eliminate them and hence it's an insurance to a clean feed since the sampling procedure for toxin binders is erroneous and involves large quantities, if sampling it's essential to incorporate a good binder.
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Md. Abdullah Ansari, Propionic acid and fumaric acid have almost equal efficacy in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed. However, small variations may occur due to method followed in estimation. Overall if we see, propionic acid is little bit more efficacious in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed.
Participation in Forum on February 12, 2019
Excellent talk. Thanks to Special Nutrients, Fernando Tamames for arranging such a visit to Lamic for Venkys senior management. Abdul MatinBusiness Director HERALDS TRADING PVT LTD MUMBAI
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