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Participation in Forum on June 21, 2011
Why are you excluding organic selenium?
Participation in Forum on April 26, 2011
Mr. Khan. Plaese send me the most relevant paper or work on the mineral therapy recommendations in your paper. Thorarinn Larusson, nutritionist, Iceland.
Participation in Forum on May 12, 2008
What do you think about making pelletized food fom the residue from destillers grains? To me there seems to be a lot of interesting possibilities by making very well competitive concentrates out of mixing it with various materials, such as soyabeens, grains and mineral mixtures. As I understand ARS agricultural engineeer Kurt Rosentrater has turned DDGS from corn-based ethanol production into hi ...
Participation in Forum on April 8, 2008
Good article about Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cows. Do you think replacing conventional concentraits, partly, by hay pellets might help preventing the SARA condition, especially by using these pellets in the daily ration around and during the first weeks after calving when the need for increased feed energy concentration and the rumen environment needs to be as stable as possible, especial ...
This member had joined Engormix
August 31, 2005
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Eidhar, Sudur-Mulasysla, Iceland
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist