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Photo posted on May 7, 2014
On the album: My Photos
Discussion created on May 7, 2014
Article published the April 15, 2014
INTRODUCTION:Many studies of the effect of inbreeding and/or outbreeding in plant and animal population to know whether it will be better to develop lines or hybrids. It is necessary to know the mean and variance of all varieties of a give type which can be derived from the breeding population. Crossing is an effective tool for genetic improvement of quantitative characters in the fowl, and it may ...
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Article published the December 22, 2011
ABSTRACT Understanding gene expression, segregation and their inheritance from parent to offspring had been one of the major goals in developmental genetics because, determination of the superior parents and hybrid combinations before their use in breeding program is useful for a wide range of quantitative characteristics and suggested the contributions of different types of genetic effects to he ...
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Photos published on December 2, 2011
On the album: My Photos
Discussion created on December 2, 2011
This member had joined Engormix
May 23, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(2)
Location:Cairo, Al Qahirah, Egypt
Profile: Academic / scientific
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