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Vasco De Basilio
Doctor en Ciencias
Profesor Universitario Jubilado con 27 años de esperiencia en manejo de sistemas de aves, actualmente en el campo de las asesorias y dictado de cursos
Doctor en Ciencias
Article published the October 20, 2011
 IntroductionIn Venezuela, one of the most important protein supply sources for the population is broiler meat, representing 65% of the total animal protein intake (Fenavi 2007). From an economical standpoint, feed represents 60 - 70 % of broiler production cost, according to the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) (2003). The use of exogenous enzymes (amylases, xylanas ...
remove_red_eye 597
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Participation in Forum on October 19, 2011
it is a good natural anthelmantic being used for small ruminants.Is it available in other parts of the world? Congratulations
This member had joined Engormix
November 25, 2010
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(1)
Location:Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Doctor en Ciencias
Followers (2)