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Amatzia Eyal
Participation in Forum on April 22, 2008
Do young horses need specific amino acids?
Participation in Forum on January 19, 2008
Hello. Good article about Protein requirements for healthy horses. I am working in a small feed meal in Israel. Like to know more about vitamins and microelements for horses. Thank you very much. Amatzia Eyal
Participation in Forum on January 12, 2008
I want to know more about vitamins and mircoelements for healthy horses. We feed our horses pelleted feed, not mash. We do not have any kind of molasses. Thank you so much. Amatzia Eyal
Participation in Forum on December 6, 2007
Hello Dr Schang, The sunflower meal you used is not the one that's in the market. The brown hen is not the same as the white hen, will the white one have the same result as the brown one? If I want to use ME and not TME, what shall I do? If you have some more information on the regular sunflower meal and white hen, please send it to me. Thank you very much. Amatzia Eyal Poultry nutrition ...
Participation in Forum on February 11, 2007
Hello . We use in Israel soupstock oil and no one of the other fats you mention. I would like to know if 8500 me/kg is right or shall I use 8200. In layer feeds I use 8700 and I do not know if I can use it or not. Thank you. Amatzia
This member had joined Engormix
August 24, 2004
equalizer Statistics: Forums(5)
Location:Shoresh, Yerushalayim, Israel
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Animal Nutritionist
Followers (1)