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KEY POINTSBirds ‘reproductive cycle is controlled by changes in day length called as Photoperiod.Birds perceive this photoperiod in two ways:a) Through retinal of the eye to visual cortex and pituitary glandb) Through harderian gland (UVA specific light) which triggers reproductive systemBirds are not “stimulated” by the entire period of light, but rather by two important parts o ...
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Cordyceps militaris is a well-known Chinese medicinal fungus that has been used as a nutraceutical food in several Asian countries. Cordycepin (3’-deoxyadenosine), a secondary metabolite produced from Cordyceps militaris has been demonstrated to exert a wide spectrum of pharmacological activities, such as anti-microbial and antitumor activities. However, the effect of cordycepin on immunomod ...
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November 13, 2022