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Alaa Alalfy
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Dietary energy available to animals is key to formulating feed as it is required for all aspects of animal life. In poultry, apparent (AME) and true (TME) metabolisable energy (ME) values have been developed for feed formulation with or without correction for nitrogen balance. Over the past 50 years, the accuracy of ME systems has been an ongoing debate and the data produced from different bioassa ...
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IntroductionEarlier, it was hypothesized that growth promoting effects of Antimicrobial Growth Promoters (AGPs) in poultry feed are attributed to their non-antibiotic anti-inflammatory properties.Inflammation causes a reduction in growth (through inappetence and muscle catabolism), birds without any inflammation can reach 100 % of their genetic growth potential.Among the proposed anti-inflammatory ...
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IntroductionFowl cholera is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. This species is named “multocida”, which may be interpreted as a bacterium that "kills" (cida) "many" (multo). In 1879, Pasteur was able to cultivate this bacterium; this was the first time that disease-causing bacteria were grown in culture media, outside the animal host. Pasteur inadverte ...
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The WVEPAH course ‘Egg Layers’ is now available online. This course is an extensive overview of important infectious and non-infectious diseases at different stages of the egg layer’s production process. Participants will be trained to investigate, diagnose and solve both common and less common problems. This course will be held in English by a team of world-class Course Maste ...
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One benefit of low protein (LP) diets is improving gut health in a future of antibiotic-growth promoter free diets. Drew et al., (2004) found an interaction between dietary crude protein (CP) and proliferation of Clostridium perfringens, a pathogenic bacterium identified to cause clinical and sub-clinical necrotic enteritis (NE), which costs the poultry industry US$6 billion dollars annually (Wade ...
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June 28, 2021
Location:Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Profile: Professional
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