Professional Title:
Post-Doctoral on Tropical Animal Science
Description of professional services:
Coordinator of International Network for Silvopastoralism (INES; 2015-current); Deputy Leader - GPCP / UESC (2012-current); Scientific Director - FUNPAB (2014-current); Adviser - SRI (2002-2014); Ad h
Professional experience:
Researcher collaborator DCR (FAPEMAT/CNPq) - Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril (Feb / 2018 - Apr/2019). Project: "Farm-Livestock-Forest Integration for breeding and rearing systems". Supervisors: DSc Bruno Carneiro e Pedreira; DSc Luciano Bastos Lopes. Experiences: bases of integration between crop-livestock-forest (iLPF); animal production in iLPF; efficiency and reproductive management, protocols for induction of precocity, physiology of reproduction; parasitic control (endo and ecto); precision animal husbandry (management of rangeland, pasture management); bromatological evaluation with NIR spectrophotometer; accomplishment of technical event; postgraduate teaching activity; field routine and research. Substitute Professor - CEUNES / UFES (May-Aug / 2017). Experiences: teaching activity in undergraduate; production of ruminants; production of non-ruminants; physiology and animal anatomy; environmental management and management; directed studies in silvopastoral systems; academic routine. Pronatec Professor - IFBA / Campus-Ilhéus (2014-2015). Experiences: teaching activity in technical education; methods of preserving food of animal and plant origin; animal husbandry; course preparation; academic routine. Post-doctoral in Animal Science in the Tropics - UFBA (2013-2014). Supervisor: DSc Gleidison Giordano P. Carvalho. Project: "Peanut and cotton pie, from the production of biodiesel, in diets for sheep and goats". Experiences: Postgraduate teaching activity; conducting events, reviewing papers and academic-scientific articles; management and academic routine. Doctor of Zootechnics - Forragicultura - UFPB (2009-2013). Advisor: DSc Alberício Pereira Andrade. TESE: "The effect of organic fertilization on the production and quality of sunflower cake". Experiences: forage farming; animal nutrition; evaluation and production of dryland food for the production of ruminants; Teaching activity at undergraduate level; conducting academic events; instructor in mini courses; presentation and orientation of academic-scientific works; composition of examining bank. Master in Applied Zoology - Wild Animal Breeding - UESC (2004-2006). Advisor: DSc Sérgio Luiz G. Nogueira Filho. Dissertation: "Analysis of the conflicts between rural producers and wild mammals in the cacao region of Southern Bahia - central corridor of the Atlantic Forest". Experiences: capture, containment, bree
Coverage area:
Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil