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adebola adebiyi likes the comment:
Hi to all : The ammonia is the only gas or fluid that can kill the coccidia oocyst, there is no any other disinfection to kill it. in every condition oocyst will remain in poultry house, hence the best way is to induce immunity by preventing drug in feed or by vaccination. To decrease intensity of oocyst in litter mixing of quicklime with ammonium sulfate produces ammonia that kills the oocyst an ...
adebola adebiyi likes the comment:
We all know that rodents, cats and pigs are the main source of Pasteurella multocida for commercial poultry and therefore, POOR HYGIENE is the main culprit for fowl cholera. Those farms where hygiene, rodent extermination and proper Biosecurity have been ignored, are the ones that keep breaking with the disease. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost not just due to the economic impact of the ...
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July 24, 2020
Location:Lagos, Lagos, Niger
Profile: Professional