NKWOCHA OBED likes the comment:
NKWOCHA OBED what is the head temperature? What is the formulation? There are many blockage causing items and a suggestion would need more information.
Participation in Forum on April 26, 2020
I thought temperature at 150°C is ok to cook and kill what ever it needs to kill in the feed. The water 15-20% is used to mix the feed and a little into the conditional. I have never poured oil into the extruder, the oils are used for coating. I can regulate the shaft that controls the feeder but not the screw. What temperature do you suggest is ok? The water percentage and how can one control ...
Participation in Forum on April 24, 2020
The head temperature is 150 °C, for the formulation Fish-20,soya-20,corn-15,gnc-15, cassava-10,wheat-15 and the rest are the additives. But what's the effect of the temperature and formulation?
Participation in Forum on April 24, 2020
Please, I would love to know what causes blockage while extruder is working.because we use single screw extruder and we do additional seiving before sending for extrusion but each time we produce it works for about 45mins then it stops coming out in pellets but in worms shape form and then blocks. How do I troubleshoot? What should I do?
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April 24, 2020