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Biju. Pm
Participation in Forum on May 11, 2020
I have succeeded in treating warts of various sizes.. with the following homoeopathic remedies like.. Thuja 1M,Ant.crud1M,Sabina1M,Staphy.1M,Nitric acid1M,Calc.carb1M,Causticum1M, Dulcamara 1M.I took equal proportions of these 8 medicines and made a mix ...I gave this mix to the affected cow in the form of drops (8drops,1 dose)weekly in empty stomach.To my surprise,the warts have disappeared com ...
Participation in Forum on June 22, 2019
I am a diary farmer. My 15 years of diary practice homemedicines are very efficient. And. Economical. Mainly. Ketosis. Liver deceased. Rop. Amenorrhea. Mastitis. Except. Coliform. Warts. Abortion. Pregnancy. Problems. 3day. Fever. Milk fever. Etc....... And. Some complicated. Deseses. Following with. Allopathic drugs.
This member had joined Engormix
June 22, 2019
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Location:Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Followers (1)