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Dr Tun Kyi
Dr Tun Kyi likes the comment:
Thank you very much for the information.Could you please provide literature on the following statement; "Restricting feed to 60% of normal consumption during days 4, 5, and 6 of life has been proven to reduce mortality if temperatures are high in the late stages of production."
Participation in Forum on August 18, 2018
It should be used when prestarter and starter feed formulating. In summer feed, for anti heat stress option. In ruminant feed as a source of rumen bypass methionine source. For cost reduction of broiler feed as '1blow...2 hits 'achievement.If any more, please add to share.
Participation in Forum on June 17, 2018
Why some paragraph under the heading of (broiler breeder) were pasted? I had roughly read before, interesting about the relationship b/t egg shell color intensity or uniformity and hatchability. Now I can not recall, I want to see again and please do something for that. Does it mean that the facts mentioned before are wrong? Please explain.Thank you.
This member had joined Engormix
June 17, 2018
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Location:Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)