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Each phytase has an optimum pH with ftu’s conveying its relative activity under that specific condition. Phytases first act during storage in the crop with pH’s varying between 4-6 over varying durations. This ingests is conveyed into gizzard where pH’s decrease to 2-3 again over varying durations. Phytases of different pH optima continue to function through crop and gizzard only ...
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Constraints to achieving precision feedingToday, feed can be formulated to an accuracy of many decimal places. This is vital for effective least cost formulation, as feed accounts for over 70 percent of animal production costs. Many factors can contribute to reducing the value of that accuracy, such as growing conditions, animal health, management and the nutritional value of feedstuffs used. Feed ...
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February 23, 2018
Location:Kaposvár, Somogy, Hungary
Profile: Student