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Eros Kaw
Eros Kaw likes the comment:
Thanks for the paper. In fact majority of the fin fish farmers in West Bengal do not favor the inclusion of any protein from animal origin like fish meal,fish oil etc. Inclusion of algae as a source of protein and fat will certainly encourage them and at last rightly been commented: " supplies increase and costs decrease, algal biomass and biomass extracts will continue to occupy niche markets wit ...
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Duck weed , Eichornia etc. all these types of aquatic floating weeds may be a good source of protein but fact remains they are good absorbers of heavy metals of various types too. Inclusion of these in aqua feed as ingredients needs verification. Dr.Biplab kumar Banerjee
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Algae are like any other agricultural crop; they get weeds growing among them. Discuss: How you control unwelcome algal invaders as some can toxic?
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This is one of the areas that need serious development in aquaculture especially in Africa.
Participation in Forum on November 3, 2016
@ paul roberts, we use a specific bacteria to keep cyano bacteria away. and we grow chlorella to feed shrimps. we also grow daphnia and we feed the daphnia to trout and shrimp. but the key is chlorella. very high in protein. and the shrimps grow faster
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October 24, 2016
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Location:Los Angeles, California, United States
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Industrial Engineer