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Participation in Forum on May 2, 2018
Dear Shimon, your experience is very different to mine. We find lower cell counts in all cases where the farm moves to robots. However, this is often due to the old parlour being out of date and moving cows from twice a day milking to random times. Generally there is a rise in milk yield but most significant is how the herd mentality changes. Either way, we find that the cluster removal in robots ...
Participation in Forum on May 2, 2018
Isn't this where the modern robotic systems come into their own as the ACR's work on individual quarters rather than the entire udder? On numerous occasions you can see the final quarter coming off in twice the time as the first, leading to the theory that one quarter is massively over milked. There are a number of health benefits to robotic milking, whether frequency of milking, clean equipment ...
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August 31, 2016
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Location:Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Profile: Student