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Areesha Shah
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I own a farm with100 Murrah Buffaloes.Interested to know the price of UMMB per unit.
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Dear Sir We are producing UMMB at Rishikesh (INDIA) and providing to farmers at very cheaper rate. If any body is interested in buying contact us
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Cold weather is not just hard on the people taking care of animals, it can be tough on the animals themselves. Consider respiratory disease (pneumonia) in dairy calves. It’s not just our imagination that cold temperatures often bring with them an increase in sick calves; there are physiologic reasons why cold weather increases the risk of respiratory disease. Cold weather enhances the g ...
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IntroductionTremendous increase in cow/buffalo cost, hence organized farms are focusing to maintain progeny. Dairy herd replacement can be attained by improved management strategies like lower calving intervals, higher calving rates, reduced still born and pre-weaned calf mortalities and fewer non pregnant heifers. Such strategies can increase the number of replacement heifer calves in the herd fr ...
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February 1, 2016
Location:Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
Profile: Student