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Participation in Forum on March 6, 2019
Chris Morrow . Very True. I guess the best option after vaccination is to use Immunostimulant like 1,3/1,6 Beta-glucan to increase disease resistance after vaccination. Several published trials confirmed that BG increases Vaccination titers like AI, NCD & IB, so I guess it will also help improve the titer of MG after vaccination.
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We have been examining vaccinated flocks by DIVA PCR and culture recently in Asia. Here we can not find the MG and MS live vaccines in flocks that have had anti-mycoplasmal antibiotics. We typically find field strains (we suspect they are resistant to antibiotics). The vaccine strains are sensitive to all anti-mycoplasmal antibiotics (even quinolones like enrofloxacin) even if local field strains ...
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November 26, 2015
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Location:Quezon City, Quezon City, Philippines
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
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