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Harold Ospina Patino
Advising on beef and dairy cattle Management, and Feeding Management. We train personnel to perform all the activities related to feeding management of ruminants, and involve them to succeed on business.
Harold Ospina Patino likes this technical article:
1. Introduction Organic livestock farm numbers have sharply increased in recent years [1] as an adaptive response for increasing farm profitability (through subsidies and price premiums). However, before implementing any production systems, an analysis of the similarities and differences between both the current and the potential new farm configurations should be carried out, since it will provide ...
Article published the September 1, 2010
INTRODUCTIONFeeding programs for finishing cattle can change objective and sensorial meat tenderness due to changes in collagen, marbling and fatty acid profile of meat and fat deposited. The meat from animals finish on feedlot is more tender than animals finished on grazing systems, due to higher growth rate and changes in quantity and type of collagen deposited. However finishing diets used in t ...
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Article published the August 14, 2009
To establish, validate and evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of a decentralized approach for production of hydrated and anhydrous ethanol (95% and 96% concentration, respectively) a low-cost, small-scale processing plant was built, with a processing capacity of approximately 1,000 liters/day. The plant is easy-to-manage and operate with different feedstock crops (cassava, sweet potato ...
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Article published the August 12, 2009
INTRODUCTIONThe quality of the semen is one of the factors most important in success of reproductive biotechnologies (artificial insemination, fixed time artificial insemination, embryonic transfer and in vitro fertilization). The level of dietary energy has been suggested as the main nutritional factor determining the effects on sperm quality. However, incorporation of bypass polyunsaturated fatt ...
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April 7, 2007
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)
Location:Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Zootechnist
Followers (3)