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Qana Huseen
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abalu efe Thanks for your interest in the topic. Novus's NEXT ENHANCE 150 is a blend of synthetic thymol and carvacrol (no extraction involved), which gives us better control to ensure the composition of actives in the product. Again, the blend is encapsulated which protects the actives and delivers the required dosage to the animal even after pelleting the diet. The recommended dosage was determi ...
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IntroductionYear after year laying hens are becoming more productive, largely due to great success in genetic improvements. However, this improvement in productivity has made the animals increasingly demanding in nutrition, health and management. From the nutritional point of view, one important requirement is undoubtedly that related to increased egg production and improvement in eggshell quality ...
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Is fumaric acid more beneficial than propionic acid to reduce adulation in feed? Dr. Abdullah Ansari.
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Md. Abdullah Ansari, Propionic acid and fumaric acid have almost equal efficacy in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed. However, small variations may occur due to method followed in estimation. Overall if we see, propionic acid is little bit more efficacious in preventing biosynthesis of aflatoxins in feed.
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Wow Encarnación, what an amazing review on the subject, very good, congratulations for such a work. I read it fast but I will read it again carefully. Congrats as well to Gonzalo. Since I could ask so many things I just want to focus on 2 questions: i) any comment based on your experience on what role exogenosu enzymes can play in fiber digestion (Encarnación I work for Danisco Animal Nutrition, b ...
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1. GeneralitiesGastrointestinal infections with pathogenic bacteria y the subsequent clinical expression of disease occur frequently in young animals under current intensive production systems. Infections are responsible growth rates and consequently cause economic losses in animal production. Antibiotics modify the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and are the main available tool to ...
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April 28, 2015
Location:Kirkuk, At Ta'mim, Iraq
Profile: Academic / scientific