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Article published the April 25, 2023
IntroductionDowner cow syndrome (DCS) is defined as lateral or sternal recumbency that persists for longer than 24 hours [1], or that persists for longer than two weeks despite of treatment [2]. The incidence of this syndrome ranges from 4.5 to 14% [3]. Downer cow syndrome can be seen in all stages of the animal’s reproductive cycle but the majority of all downer cows are diagnosed shortly a ...
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Video published on July 20, 2015
Diagnostic tests in farms by Hugues Guyot XX Anembe Congress
Video published on July 20, 2015
Hugues Guyot from de University of Liege (Belgium) speaks about the BRD disease, Bovine Respiratory Disease in cattle farm. He talks about the factors that influence and cause this desease and how the pathogen agents and the enviroment also affect. He also gives information about etiologic diagnosis in both dead and live bovine.
This member gave a presentation on May 8, 2015
At the following event:
XX Anembe Congress
This member gave a presentation on May 7, 2015
At the following event:
XX Anembe Congress
This member had joined Engormix
March 19, 2015
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Videos(2)
Profile: Academic / scientific
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