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#Silage and forage
Article published the February 17, 2017
BackgroundWater is the most important nutrient for calves and plays an important role as solvent of nutrients, rumen development, thermoregulation and other functions in the body. In addition other researchers found that calves started feed consumption earlier and consumed more when unlimited access to clean drinking water is available. Generally, water comprises 70 to 75% of the weight of the cal ...
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Article published the December 7, 2016
BackgroundCarinata (Brassica carinata) is a new oilseed that shows great potential for the Midwest. This oilseed has been selectively bred for high oil concentration ideal for biofuels and bio-oil production. Carinata meal is the co-product resulting from the oil extraction of the seeds. This meal has high protein content (36-48% crude protein), highly degradable in the rumen, and with a total dig ...
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Article published the November 18, 2016
BackgroundA recent study by the SDSU Dairy and Food Science Department investigated the effects of water quality on heifer preference and drinking behavior. Providing good quality water to livestock is a major challenge in the Midwest. Eastern South Dakota groundwater, which is used for drinking, industry, and agricultural purposes is hard, with high mineral content. Calcium and magnesium concentr ...
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Article published the March 16, 2015
We conducted a study evaluating the growth performance and total tract nutrient digestion of heifers fed diets high in distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) with different forage particle size. Particle size is important for rumen fermentation and rumination. Large forage particles help stimulate rumination which aids in buffering with saliva. Buffering may be important when considering fee ...
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March 13, 2015
equalizer Statistics: Articles(4)
Location:Brookings, South Dakota, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Assistant Professor
Followers (3)